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Customer Birthday Post Cards (includes a Great Booking Opportunity)

Here is a really neat birthday card for your customers!
(It also includes a GREAT Booking Opportunity!!)

How great do you feel when you receive a birthday card? 
This is another way to "bond" with your customers....they are pleased you remember...sometimes when no one else does.
If you don't have Blouvard or another program to show you the birthdays...just make a notebook and divide by months and put their names/birthday on each page.  Or have a small notebook and just put the top of the profile (the sheet you usually throw away) in a notebook under the birthday month.
Send all cards the first of the month no matter what day the birthday falls.
OOPS!  Don't have their birthdate?  Great reason for a customer service call.....get the date (month/day because "I don't care how old you are - my job is just how young you look".... while checking on their needs, or telling them about microdermabrasion & booking them for a new spring makeover ...after that is booking.....of course they get FREE products (your choice of plan) for bringing 3 friends!

Thank you Gail Menefee