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Top Director Jennifer Semelsberger's e-mail to her unit.
June 4th was my 1 year Anniversary from leaving my JOB in DC.  I just wanted to share with everyone the e-mail I sent to my Unit when I was a brand new Sales Director (only in the MK business for 6 months)!! 
Wow, what an incredible year it has been!!

I remember what Ryan said to me when I told him I just resigned from my job...he said "Mommy does this mean I can resign from daycare now?"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: Dreams Really Do Come True!!!!

Ever since I had my first child (at age 14), I've always had a dream to be able to stay home with children -- I've been working full-time since I was 16 years old. Guess what, my dreams are finally coming true (thanks to Mary Kay). I just turned in my resignation to my law firm job in DC. My last day will be Friday, June 4th!!!! I just can't express how wonderful it felt when I came home and told my children that Mommy's hard work has paid off and that I will finally be home with them. My youngest son, Ryan, hugged me so tight and wouldn't let go -- he was soooo happy and he said Mommy I knew you could do it.  The reason I'm sharing all of this with you is because you can do it too. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how many women I will be able help with their Mary Kay business. I am very blessed and happy to have each of you in my Unit.

Always remember that I am here to help you at whatever level you would like to run your business. Please e-mail me your goals so I can help you come up with a plan to reach them. My goals this year are to Debut as a Cadillac unit on seminar stage in July, offspring 3 Directors and to help each and everyone of you reach your goals. It is sooo important to share your goals with me because UNIT stands for You and I Together. You are not alone on this journey -- I will be with you every step of the way.

Hugs and Love,

Jen :-)

Always remember to dream big, believe in yourself and never give up!!! 

My children are my "WHY" in Mary Kay!!

The Best Part of ALL was hearing my son, Ryan, announce his Mommy as the #1 Sales Director of Baltimore Career Conference II!!! 
He said "Hi my name is Ryan and I am Jennifer Semelsberger's son and I am so proud of her and knew she could do it"!!!
Guess what?  Ryan is already practicing his Mommy's Million Dollar speech!!!