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Booking is all about planting before you reap!!


Dear Miracle Maniacs,

       It is a universal law:

You have to give before you get.

Have you noticed that God tells us, Give, and it shall be given to you?  The part most miss is that it is a two part dealgive, FIRST. shall be given to you.

       I am sure that you see consultants and Directors who appear to be soooo blessed with their sales and recruiting efforts.  We, as Directors and Nationals, often hear about disappointment when a sale doesnt come through or a recruit backs out.  Have you ever experienced that?

       Lets take a look at what is more than likely going on behind the scenes.  The consultant who is celebrated at Success meeting is excited and thrilled at the recognition.  Yet, wouldnt it be interesting to watch her at her desk going through lead after lead, crossing out, eliminating one name after anotherI know this to be true because this was the scene behind the scene 20 some years ago when I started my business.

       I remember filling pages of a spiral notebook with names and numbers that I called daily.  My goal was to completely fill a page and go on to the next.  This is the equivalent of 30-50 calls daily.  Where did I get these leads?  Everywhere!!  Referrals, new moms (paper) new brides (paper) warm chatsI had a goal to keep 30 leads in front of my face at all times.  If one was eliminated, due to a booking or removal because of no interest, I challenged myself to put a new one on the list.  Do you get the picture?  I am confident in the fact that if you choose to work the numbers you will reach your goals.  My goal was a little more basic than Red Jacket or Car.  My goal was to feed my children and make a house payment.  I would never have survived if I had a goal to make 5 booking attempts daily.

       Why let yourself off the hook with such little effort?  Your future is right around the corner and you have the opportunity to live a life that few will ever have the chance to live.  The best part of this is that it will look exactly the way you want it to look.

       Allow me to share the benefits of discipline that God and Mary Kay have given me over the past years.that are waiting for you too!

I am grateful for:

         Being a single mom and having the advantage of a stay-at-home mom.

         Taking my girls to school every day

         Greeting my girls after school with home baked cookies

         2 hour lunch breaks with my mom and sis

         as a single mom..buying a beautiful home in a neighborhood where Drs and Attorneys live

         being room mother for both of my girls every year

         taking 4 day weekend trips to Kansas City on beautiful spring weekends and treating my daughters to fun perks

         staying up as late as I want

         getting up at the crack of dawn because it is a choice

         taking 6 months of family leave while Dennis was ill and transitioning home with Jesus, and being able to be with family, feeling the support of this company and receiving full pay

         Making phone calls from my deck in the middle of a beautiful summer afternoon.

         Morning coffee on the deck instead of morning rush hour

         Depositing 30K in my account for 2 months, instead of 25K for an entire year!

         Treating my nieces and nephews to extravagant presents because I can

         Surrounding my daughters with powerful, goal- seeking, Christ-Centered women mentors

         Paying tuition for private grade school, private high school and exclusive college

         Vacations to Australia, Alaska, Scotland, Vienna, Prague and Switzerland  and Bermuda!!! 

         The ability to pay expenses for my parents so that they can rest and enjoy the rest of their days on earth

         Buying a second home for my daughter and husband  (to name just a few J)

This was all there for me as I nervously made each phone call.  The difference is and was, I made enough of them.  I did not expect a harvest from 2-5 calls a day.  I did not wait for God to bless me when I wasnt doing what I was capable of doing.  Be willing to plant enough and you will You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.

The more you sow, the more you will reap.

In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.

The law works to give you back more than you have sown,

The givers harvest is always full.

Those that obtain have little.

Those who scatter have much.

Nature does not give to those who will not spend.