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*There is a NEW "Training Center 2.0" in the Left hand menu.

I am no longer able to add sub articles to this page, so I will be adding NEW articles in the "Training Center 2.0".

You will find articles for this page's topic in the Drawer labeled "JULY".

I will continue to update the articles on this page, too, as needed.

July is known as the "Independence Month."

Independence Day has so much meaning.... I want to encourage you to think about what having your own business can give you when it comes to independence. It is as if you are signing your own declaration of independence. We are proud to be Americans where we do have the freedom to have our own business. We need to be proud of the profession we have chosen as well.?

Ilene Meckley

Let's become Independent of Credits Cards with 21% interest rates, car payments, car insurance payments, jobs that pay us minimum wage and jobs that don't recognize a job well done.

Let us think BIG! Not small and comfortable!

Let's look forward to the mail (big commission checks and no bills), incoming calls ("We would like to offer you a 0% credit card for life"

instead of "Your bill is overdue) and e-mails that say the same.

Let Us look for women that Mary Kay needs to represent this incredible company.

Let us be Consultants of Excellence and Pride!

Pride of what we have done not what we want to do!

I have such incredible belief in this Company!
I want this Year to be a Year that gives us goose bumps in the morning

and just before we fall asleep.
I want the consultants reading this to stay true to the saying that
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,

but by the moments that take our breath away."

You are an important part of an important Vision!
The Vision to Do More, Ask More and Live More!
I say this with my faith and kept word, that we will be everything God intended us to be!

A New Year's Prayer

Father, we surrender this past year and give it up to you.

We give you our failures, our regrets and our disappointments,

for we have no more use for them.

Make us now a new person,

forgetting what lies behind

and pressing on towards that which lies ahead of us.

We give you all our hopes and dreams for the future.

Purify them by Your Spirit so that our will shall truly reflect

Your will for us.

As we stand on the threshold of another year,

encourage us by our successes of the past,

challenge us by the power of Your Word,

and guide us by the presence of Your Holy Spirit.


Things are heating up in here...

ON-STARS who order $600+ cumulativeSection 1 wholesale between July 1st and July 22nd will receive a Mary Kay Water Bottle to keep you hydrated AND advertise your business wherever you are! Perfect for the Summer fun events including SEMINAR in DALLAS!
WINNERS attending SEMINAR will receive theirs at our FAMILY AWARDS on DAY 0!

JULY 10: Always Do Your Best, and Your Dreams Will Come True!!

Anything is possible*

Customer Offers


JUL 15: How to Work in July


JUL 1:

It's here at last: The strategic brains of Directors Laurie Rowell & Annette Walters, & the creativity of consultant
Cindy Koons have collaborated to create a rewards program for your preferred customers/hostesses!

It started with frequent flyer miles...today hotels, credit cards (& even Coke!) have rewards programs. Now, so can you!

Just 36 Grand Rewards customers in the new Seminar year will put you in the National Court of Sales with $36,000!

Print & save the 6 files so you can run with this program all year.

"Consultant info flyer" will give you all the details, & the other attachments supply you with the tools.

Are you ready for a Cinderella stage walk to receive your diamond ring at Seminar next year?

"When you help enough other people get what they want, you will have everything you want." Zig Ziglar

Believe you CAN do it!
Files are also in our Lucky Stars DropBox Folder that you can change and update!

JUL 2: Make July count!!!! July is the first month of the new Seminar year and is the month that you want to get your new Seminar year off to a great start. Mary Kay always said, "Many a race was won at the starting gate." Now is the time to get on track for success. Sell Big July


CLICK HERE forsome cute 4th of July sale ideas

Many consultants and Director's will "take off" this week figuring they worked hard for a super finish but I am here to tell you...
the truly motivated consultants and Directors will get this year off to a flying start THIS WEEK....
So give these ideasa shot and get the year off with a "bang"!

JUL 8: Whatcha Gonna Do to Sell Some Product TODAY?

JUL 9: Click to view "Sampler Fridays"

JUL 19: Earn while you are away at Seminar, on a family vacation, or just because this is a great idea!Super Silent Hostesses
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