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John Terhune is incredible!!!
Listen/Watch him now.

Video 1 JOHN on VIDEO ONE!!!!!! 
Attitude Pump 177 The Power of Heart
Attitude Pump 163-
Attitude Pump 164
Part 1 The Tap Roots of a Great Attitude
Part 2 
The Tap Root System of a Great Attitude
Attitude Pump 162 The Attitude of Humility
Attitude Pump 161 Attitude Momentum
 A Trip Fueled by Belief 
 Attitude Pump 142  Oh, to be like Arnold
 Attitude Pump 141  FOCUS
 Attitude Pump 113  Habits (Part VI)-Gratitude
 Attitude Pump 112

 Embrace Adversity

John Terhune's

 Thoughts on YOUR Role in Our Future Area
 Attitude Pump 111  Are you Charging or Draining Batteries?
 Attitude Pump 109  Rate Yourself

 Attitude Pump 131

 Be a Solution Oriented Thinker

 Attitude Pump 135

 The Power of Consistency

 Attitude Pump 101

 Do what you don't want to do with Enthusiasm

 Attitude Pump 136

 The Difference between Reacting and Responding


My Rainbow Day - by Deb Dudas

Change - morning motivation


Just Pedal

  At first I saw God as my observer, my judge,

keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized his picture when I saw it, but I really didn't know Him.


But later on, when I met God,

it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride,

but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that God was at the back, helping me pedal.


I don't know when it was that he suggested

that we change places, but life has not been the same since. When I had control I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points. But when he took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on!


Even though it looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!"

I worried and was anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer! and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure. And when I'd say "I'm scared,"

He'd lean back and touch my hand.


He took me to people with gifts that I needed; gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me gifts to take on my journey. And we were off again. He said, 'Give the gifts away; they're extra baggage, too much weight.' So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light.


I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it; but he knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with God as my

delightful constant companion.


And when I'm sure I just can't do anymore, He just smiles and says,



  Author Unknown


By Author Unknown

I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn't fail.
The same four walls and busywork were really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things I'd never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor.

I said it didn't matter that I wasn't doing much.
I said I didn't care for things like commission checks and such.
I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone,
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.

I couldn't let my life go by just watching others win.
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength I'd never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door.

If you're in a comfort zone, afraid to venture out,
Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise can make your dreams come true.
Reach for your future with a smile; success is there for you!


A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee ...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how  things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to  make it and wanted to give up She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.

Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the  second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots.

She did and noted that they were soft.

The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it.

After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "What does it mean, mother?

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity ... boiling water .. each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Count your blessings, not your problems.....

Putting others first makes relationships last

Moments in Life

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one, which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

You might want to send this message to those people who mean something to you (I JUST DID); to those who have touched your life in one way or another; to those who make you smile when you really need it; to those who make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down; to those whose friendship you appreciate; to those who are so meaningful in your life.

If you don't send it, you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this message!!!

Don't count the years-count the memories...........

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments that take our breath away!

When we come to the edge of the light we know...
 and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure:....
either God will provide something solid to stand on or
.....we will be taught to fly.

Thank you Lisa Girdley for this sharing!

NSD Gloria Mayfield Banks

January 7/8 2005

 Remember faith without works is dead....well so is your business!!!  Go work it girls!!!!  Set new goals, reach new goals and be strong consistent women!!!!!!
Love and Belief that 2004 is going to give each of us soooo much more!!!!!!!

For years I have heard on television and read in newspapers
that a poor person who could not find a job was, if not
expected to turn to crime, at least excused for doing so.
Unfortunately, the more this idea is promoted, the more
likely it is to occur, especially among those who do not
have a strong character base. The facts concerning this
issue are interesting, and as a friend of mine was inclined
to say, "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but no
one is entitled to the wrong facts."

I was raised during the Depression, so I was familiar with
an occasional knock at the back door by someone asking for
something to eat in exchange for some work they could do
around the house or garden. Interestingly enough, virtually
no one asked for free food ? they wanted to work for it
instead. Statistics clearly validate that the crime rate
coming out of the Depression was actually lower than it was
when we entered the Depression. An article in The Financial
Post by David Frum points out that the identical situation
occurred in Canada. He said that statistics confirmed that
in Canada there was "an overall five percent drop" in
criminality between 1992 and 1993. This, despite the fact
that 1993 should have seen an increase in crime. Instead,
faced with plant closures, job losses and shrinking social
services, the Canadians became less inclined to break into
houses and steal from the owners.

The reality is people do what they're taught and expected
to do. If we will eliminate the concept that poverty breeds
crime and more carefully teach that the right way is the
best way, we will see further reductions in crime. In many
cases an economic belt-tightening is a character-building
experience that! helps u s learn to get along without many of
the so-called "necessities of life," so we emerge from the
economic challenges stronger and better prepared to build a
more successful future. Take that approach and I'll see you
at the top!

Zig Ziglar

One of the difficulties we face in our industrialized age
is the fact that we've lost our sense of seasons. Unlike
the farmer whose priorities change with the seasons, we
have become impervious to the natural rhythm of life. As a
result, we have our priorities out of balance. Let me
illustrate what I mean:

For a farmer, springtime is his most active time. It's then
when he must work around the clock, up before the sun and
still toiling at the stroke of midnight. He must keep his
equipment running at full capacity because he has but a
small window of time for the planting of his crop.
Eventually winter comes when there is less for him to do to
keep him busy.

There is a lesson here. Learn to use the seasons of life.
Decide when to pour it on and when to ease back, when to
take advantage and when to let things ride. It's easy to
keep going from nine to five year in and year out and lose
a natural sense of priorities and cycles. Don't let one
year blend into another in a seemingly endless parade of
tasks and responsibilities. Keep your eye on your own
seasons, lest you lose sight of value and substance.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn



Our career will soar when we sell! Sell the products and sell the career opportunity. We can sell both at skin care classes and makeovers.


We will begin to soar when we overcome personal hang-ups, and when we learn to overcome customer objections when we are booking, or closing a sale, or interviewing.


To soar we must have a positive asking attitude. We must be positive about our career, our products and our opportunity. We must have a positive asking attitude about booking, selling and recruiting!


Soaring to the top in your career cannot be done if you are not willing to step out and share the opportunity with others. Your personal recruits will make wind under your wings and take you to the top! Share! Share! Share!



(I'm scared of) We all have different fears that scare us. We must remember fear is false evidence appearing real! To overcome our fears, we must face them, and do the things we are scared of; by action we will overcome fear.


(I can't) We must take the word "can't" out of our vocabulary, if you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right!


(I would but) Don't be reluctant to try. Step out of your comfort zone and stop holding yourself back. You will never know how high you can fly if you never give yourself the chance to try.


(I could do better if) Get rid of negative attitudes. A negative attitude will keep us scratching forever!


(I don't have time) We all have the same amount of time. We all have time for successful career if we will plan our work and work our plan. We must stop wasting time!


(I will when) Conditions will never be perfect; we just must do it now!

H-Hang ups

(I have a hang-up about) Webster says, hang-ups (1) To delay: suspended or held up, (2) To become stuck or snagged so as to be immovable.


Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31

Pro Golfer Phil Mickelson won his first major golf tournament after 12 years of trying.   Phil has won
several golf tourneys but always seemed to "choke" on the last day
of a major tourney.  Year after year he tried.....year after year he came
in 2nd or 3rd.   Sunday was his day.   He said he felt this was his tourney
& it went all the way to the last putt on the 18th green.  This is what Phil said......."
It almost feels like make-believe.....My first thought was,
 He also said, "This is the fulfillment of all my dreams."  The
point being, inspire of lots of disappointments, Phil never gave up on
his dream.   To me, this is what it is going to be for each of you as you move up the career path....whether its to become a
Red Jacket, earn a red grand am OR become a Mary Kay director.   We all have obstacles
& discouragements along the way.  My goodness......I've had millions of them over the past 19 years.  But you just never give up.  Imagine what
it is going to be like  when we reach the pinnacle in Mary Kay of a New National Area.   We will be able to say those same words....but instead
of "I"  it will be "
WE DID IT!!!!!  WE FINALLY DID IT!!!  WE KNEW WE COULD, AND WE FINALLY DID IT!!"    This will be the fulfillment of all
OUR dreams!!!!!
  We have to keep our eyes on our goals just like Phil
had to keep his eyes on the ball.   I am sure he had imagined for years what it would be like to win the tournament & have the prestigious
green jacket put on him.  Just like this is Phil Mickelson's is
our year to become a National Area.  What a feeling it will be.....indeed
a dream come true for all of us.   I am  still looking for directors to join
us on this exciting journey......
WHY NOT YOU?????!!!!!!  Just like Phil
was excited to get that illustrious monkey off his back for not winning a major......its time for us to make our move.  Imagine debuting on stage
at Seminar this year as a brand new director ----  ALL SEVEN FIRST LINES--We'll OWN the House!!.......
ohhhhh the feeling of accomplishment.......the feeling of success.  You, too, will be able to
"I did it....I really did it!!!  I set a goal, but the blinders on, went to work & now, I'm a brand new Mary Kay Director." 

Straight Talk
- WARNING:  Proceed with caution!
  This message is intended for the 'Big Girls' on my Mary Kay Team!

Conquering A Slump - You about to enter a selling slump.  Or you've just left one behind.  Maybe you are smack dab in the middle!  Slumps happen for a variety of reasons.  This article contains tips to get you through your slumps quickly! 

Wheel Of Emotion -
We all go through stages of emotion in our lives.  Don't allow temporary emotion to destroy your career.  The first step is understanding that emotion.  Then we can take steps to counteract it and move on to success!

Success Habits - by NSD Pam Shaw

Committing to the Commitment by Dr. John C. Maxwell

Why Go To Success Meetings?

Stop Whining - Start Winning!
by Cindy Leone

Create A Mission.  Develop a sense of purpose.  There are two pains in life:  the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.  Which one will you choose?

Set Goals.  Stop the whining that says "It's impossible."  "I can't ..." "It's too much work."  "But we've never done it that way ..."

Set Stretch Goals.  And reward yourself on initial results and successes.  Understand that improvement is a process.  There are no quick fixes, no instant gratification.  Keep you perspective and stamp out negativism.

Write Down Your Goals.  Don't just think them - ink them.  Make your goals 'smart' - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and trackable.

Become Unstoppable.  Have an unstoppable desire to win.  Be enthusiastic.  Ask yourself, "How badly do I want it?  Am I willing to make the necessary sacrifices of hard work and study?"  Don't be surprised by  negative thoughts and feelings.  As they come up, give yourself a break.  Don't be too tough on yourself.

Take Action, Take Risks.  Have persistence and expect setbacks - a recent study of 63 self-made millionaires showed they averaged 17 years to get there and suffered 2.7 bankruptcies on average along the way.

Believe In What You're Doing.  Find your true life's work.  Love what you're doing.  Have faith and conviction, fueled by passion for your vision and your mission.

Have A Can Do Attitude.  Personify positive believing.  Savor your favorite affirmations such as "I advance confidently in the direction of my dreams."  And "I act as though it is impossible to fail."  Be an initiator, someone who makes things happen.