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Your sure to get great responses using these scripts to guide you!
Save 'em - Print 'em - Memorize 'em

Printing tip:  Highlight the script you are ready to memorize, then hit Ctrl-P.  On the printer window by 'Print Range,' look for the option of 'Selection Only.'  Only the script you have highlighted will print!

Be a Master Booker at the Holidays! (You can use this script for any HOLIDAY!)
Be assured that you have enough cash for all your Holiday shopping this year!!!

NSD Denise Kucharski shares how to overcome the 'I'm busy, let's wait until after Christmas' objection ...

Scenari  You warm chattered someone yesterday while doing your Christmas shopping.  Today you call her and say:

Hi, Judy, this is Denise Kucharski with Mary Kay, how are you?  Great, well I know you are very busy; can you talk for just a quick minute?  Wonderful.  I enjoyed so much getting to meet you yesterday, and I'm still thinking about what great eyes (or some other feature, or some compliment about her personality) you have and how I'd love to treat you to a holiday makeover (or have you as a Christmas model in my portfolio, etc.)  I know your first thought will be that you're so busy and could we wait until after Christmas, right? . but year after year I remind people of how all their relatives have cameras ... do your relatives have cameras? ... I thought so!  So it turns out that December is my most popular month for makeovers, because people want to look their best NOW, not after Christmas!  I will tell you though, I'm busy too, so in December I do quick makeovers ... 30 minute ones instead of the hour long ones.  And you get to pick one feature, either your eyes, your cheeks, or your lips, to focus on.  We'll do all 3, but you get to pick one to spend extra time on ....... so which would you choose for extra pizzazz ... eyes, cheeks, or lips!  (If she selects one, that pretty much means you have the booking.)  Great!  Let's find a 30 minute time that works for both of us ... is it better for you during the day or in the evening?  (set the time through series of 2 choice questions)  Now, Judy, who's your best friend that you love to go shopping with?  If you want to invite her to have a makeover with you, you can!  In fact, I can let you bring 2 friends with you, and if you do you'll receive ________________ (could be any 1 item half price, could be travel size Satin Hands, could be a product you have received as free bonus products) as a thank you gift!

Variation:  you are doing a portfolio and you say, "Judy when I met you yesterday, I knew you'd be a wonderful model for the Christmas section of my makeover portfolio!  I know your first thought might be that you're so busy, but I am too, so in December I do quick makeovers ... 30 minute ones instead of the hour long ones.  And every year, the December section of my portfolio is my favorite, because of all the bright holiday clothing!  Do you wear any red clothing this time of year, or what is your favorite Christmas outfit?  Oh, that sounds so pretty ... would you be willing to wear that and be included in my 2003 portfolio?"

With existing customers:  "Judy, I just realized that it has been quite a while since we actually sat down together and did a new up-to-the- minute makeover for you, and makeup trends do change like everything else does!  Tell me something ... will you be seeing any family or friends during the Christmas holiday?  OK, do any of them own cameras?  Well, here's what I'm thinking ... I'd love to treat you to a new makeover and a few minutes of pampering during this hectic time of year.  And I know your first thought might be that you're so busy and could we wait until after Christmas ... but then your second thought might be, 'Wait a minute, I want to look my best for all those cameras NOW, not later!'  I will tell you though, I'm busy too ... (continue with wording in top example above)   

You have overcome her objection before she can even voice it, and you are using the "camera scenario" as a great reason for having the facial.  Can you see yourself developing NEW business in December??  It's a great month for gift sales, but it's also an opportunity to build new business!!  Stinkin' thinkin' might make you think that December is a difficult month to convince people to have facials ..... personally, I choose to think it's the BEST month!  Your attitude is YOUR CHOICE!

Holiday Sales To Men - by Ruthi Schultz

HERE ARE THE FACTS (most men):
* Are frustrated with what to get their wife/girlfriend/mom/sister, etc (especially if their single) and love to get some helpful ideas.
* Do not like shopping malls - clothing stores - etc.
* Aren't real sure if they `trust' online shopping.
* Will shop with YOU when you're confident, warm, pleasant and trustworthy!

* Know what's versatile and most women would love to receive as a gift.  Example:  Satin Hands, Satin Lips, Oil-free Eye Makeup Remover & Mascara, Velocity Candle & Perfume, Roll-up Bag, Shower gels, lotions, etc.
* Know what price options you would like to offer!  $150 - $225 - $299 is what I offer!
* Have a `questionnaire' in front of you that can help you ask the questions you need to ask to sound professional, and `on it' with HIS Holiday shopping needs!
* KNOW THAT YOU COULD MAKE (or have someone else make) A GIFT BASKET LOOK AWESOME!!!!!!!!   

?Hi ______, I am so glad I got you on the phone.  I wanted to ask you a quick Holiday question about _______, is she standing right there or can you talk?  Great.   This is _______ your wife's personal consultant with MK, and I happen to know a few things that she would looooooove to get for Christmas and I wondered if you wanted a few ideas, or do you already have her gifts all taken care of???   You'd love some help - OK - well??..I can personalize something specifically to what I know she likes - anything from a couple of stocking stuffers to my favorite ?the `12 Days of Christmas' basket.  Do you need something that really makes a statement, or do you just need that little extra something??  (don't say anything till he tells you - pause and listen)   

Need to make a statement??? ?then you definitely want the `12 Days of Christmas basket!!'  It's a beautiful gold basket with 12 individually wrapped gifts for each of the 12 Days before Christmas - you can give her one each day for 12 days (lay it on her pillow at night), or you can give it to her all at once - your choice!  Then?all you have to do is make sure you get her a card - that's it!?

Need that little extra something??? ?then I have just the thing for you?!!!?   (offer the Miracle Set, OR - a Satin Lips, Hands & Body Set)  Get creative and HAVE FUN!!!!!

CLOSING THE SALE:   (after you've gone over the questionnaire)
?OK ______, now the only thing I need to find out from you is what price range you want me to work with.  (if it's the 12 Days of Christmas basket)  I do a very basic basket for 150, it's very nice, but with 12 different gifts - each one is going to be just over $10.  And, I have the `She Deserves It All' basket for 299 - it's gorgeous and has everything to make her feel special.  But the one most men go with is the one in middle for 225 - it's very pampering, very beautiful and I'll make sure I tuck in her favorites!!!  Which basket would you like to bless her with??   (shhhhhh - don't say anything till he gives you an answer)     ?Great - would you like to take care of that with cash, check or card??


AND?don't leave out the men that you have contact with (but may not know their wives).  If you work with men, or have salesman that stop by your job - or just are simply in your warm circle of influence - they will still buy a holiday basket from you even if you've never met his wife!  Just stick to all our basic favorites - she'll love it - and everything's 100% guaranteed!!!

?It has been a pleasure putting together a Holiday basket `just for YOU!'  I will be contacting you in the next week or two, to schedule a drop-by appointment with you and make sure you're comfortable using everything you've received.  Please know that all of our MK products have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and can be exchanged if necessary. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!  Enjoy!  

Career Brunch Script:
My director is having a special luncheon on _____, and she has asked me to invite 2 of the sharpest customers I have - of course I immediately thought of you.  I know you are a busy lady, but I thought you would really enjoy the luncheon and getting information from some of Mary Kay's top directors.  First and foremost, we'll feed you, then my director and a few others will share information about our company.  I know I have mentioned the career to you before and I thought this would be a way to get great info in a very relaxed atmosphere.  For being my guest, I will give you __________ for free.  The time is ______ and it will be held at ______________.  Are you familiar with the area?  GREAT!  Can I count on you to be my guest??  Great!

PreProfiling Guests

Conference Call Script:
Hi _____, this is Pat with Mary Kay.  Do you have a quick minute?  GREAT!  The reason for my call is that I have been challenged by my director to share company facts with three of the sharpest women I know and of course I thought of you immediately!  It doesn't matter what your interest level is, I just need to get women who I think would be great at this to listen to the facts ... it's that simple!  Is there any reason why you couldn't join our career conference call on Tuesday ... Give details.  If that doesn't work, schedule a 3-way call between the three of us.  Call me to get times.  Just for listening and because it is a long distance call, I will give you a free eye shadow!  Can't beat that, can you?  So can I count on you?  Wonderful!  I will call you after supper that night to remind you.  Which number should I reach you at for the reminder ... home or cell?  Great!  I'll call you and look forward to having you listen to my director share the information!  Thanks SO much for helping me out with my challenge!!   

Warm Chatter Script:
Expanding your business can happen naturally and effectively when you talk freely with those you meet every day.  The most effective way to do this is to know what you are going to say.  Practice as you go!  The way to become effective and natural at introducing people to your business to to continue to do it!  Try these proven ideas:

Excuse me, before I continue shopping (or leave the store, walk away, etc.) I would like to give you my business card (hand it to her right then).  I give makeovers for a living.  Have you ever, or recently, had a makeover?  You haven't?  Great!  My name is Lori as you can see(quickly point to the card), what is your name?  Mary, I am so glad I stopped you!  I look for sharp, friendly women (smile non-stop)!  What's the best number to reach you at?  Work or home?  When I get back in my office, I'll give you a call (of course, will pen in hand expecting her to rattle off her number).  Great!  I'll look forward to talking with you!  Have a great day!  (Shake hands.)

The next day:  Hi Mary!  This is Lori Kreh, we met yesterday at the grocery store.  Do you have a quick minute?  Super!  Mary, I've got my calendar in front of me, can you grab yours?  Okay!  Before I share with you the appointment slots I have availalbe, would a lunch appointment work best for you?  Or after work?  Great!  I have noon on Tuesday,11:00 on Wednesday, or 5:30 on Friday - will any of these appointment times work for you?  Great!  (Of course, then I ask her a couple of questions about her skin, etc.)  

ALWAYS, when we hang up, I pop something into the mail (a coupon, sample, literature or personal note) to build rapport and commit her to our appointment.  
- Thank you Lori Kreh for the script and great tips!

Sweepstakes Script:
How would you like to win $10,000??  Great!  Here's a little goodie package of some MK samples along with my card and information to register to win $10,000!  It's SO simple-just go to my website and click on the "Win $10,000" sweepstakes offer-no purchase is necessary, just answer a few simple questions and YOU could be the winner!  If you could just quick write your name and phone number on this card, I'll know when you have registered and I will send you a sample of our new spa lotion just for registering! Thanks so much and good luck!

Get The Interview:
Following is a script prepared for you by Pam Shaw designed for getting the interview!  Success is in the numbers!!  You will get a return on your investment in layering prospects and interviewing via coffee, meeting, phone conference or event when you work the  numbers!!!.  

Hey __________,  this is Pamela Shaw, and I'm so you have a quick minute?  I have set a goal of sharing our Career opportunity with [15, 20, 40] sharp women this month as we close down our seminar year and celebrate
our 40th anniversary, and I couldn't help but think of you.  Because of your (outgoing personality, love of our products, large base of family and friends, creative edge, flair for fashion....SINCERE COMPLIMENT), I just know you would
be successful in this business.  __________, Mary Kay may or may not be for you at all, but is there any reason why you wouldn't join me over a cup of coffee for a 'practice interview' to help me  reach my June goal?  If it isn't for you, we'll call it coffee and a day, and if it is, I will love supporting you to grow a [profitable and fun] business.  And as a thank you for your time, I'll have a ________________ for you.  Which would be better for you...............
[ set and coach]

Coaching Script:
If you aren?t pre-profiling every guest that?s scheduled to attend a skin care class, then they are choosing not to have a full class of six guests, says Independent Executive Senior Sales Director Vicki Auth from Austin, Texas. To help her ensure a full class, Vicki teaches her Consultants to use the following script:

Hi Gail, this is Vicki Auth with Mary Kay. Do you have a moment? Great! I?m double checking the attendance for Sue's skin care class next Wednesday. I know you received your invitation and I?m putting together the goodie bags for all of you who?re coming.

Gail, what glamour colors do you prefer: naturals, neutrals, cools or warms? Great! I also have a couple of questions about your skin type.

She then asks the questions from the customer profile and fills out the guest?s card as she talks to her over the phone. This creates less paper work at the class.

Ok, I have all your information and I really look forward to meeting you. Gail, because this is more of a personalized, hands-on demonstration, Sue was only able to invite six women to attend, so can we count on you to be there? Great!!

One last thing, if I could help you with one concern or something you?re experiencing with your skin, what would that be?

This helps to reassure the guest that Vicki is a professional Beauty Consultant and that the class will be as educational as it is fun. Whatever her answer, Vicki let?s the guest know that she has a great product that she can?t wait to share with her at the class.

If for some reason something comes up, will you please let Sue know at least 24 hours in advance so she can give someone else your spot?

Vicki uses this phrase because she knows that most women hate to give up their spot.

OK, thanks Gail. Have a great week and I will see YOU next Wednesday at 7.

Conference Call Script:
Hi _____, I am SO excited!  I have accepted a challenge from my Sales Director to ask 5 of the sharpest people I know to be a part of a group training session.  Of course, I immediately thought of YOU!  Our unit has a goal to talk to 100 sharp women this month to share company information.  All this means is that you would agree to call in and be a part of a group interview.  Right from home, so you don't have to go anywhere.  Just pick up the phone and listen!  It doesn't matter what your interest level is, it is just part of my training!  The call is a long distance call, so just for listening, I would give you a free eye shadow!  We have the training scheduled for Wednesday, June 11 (or Tuesday, June 24) at 8:00 pm.  Is there any reason why you couldn't help me out with my training?  GREAT!  The number you call is _____.  I will call you that evening to remind you to join in the call!  After the training session, I will call you to see if you have further questions and to find out which eye shadow you would like!  Thanks for helping me out!  I'll give you a reminder call the day before!

Guest to be part of a 3-Way Interview:
Hi ______, this is _____.  Do you have a quick minute!  Great!  I have been challenged by my Sales Director to do 5 practice interviews this month with 5 of my best customers.  I immediately thought of you!!  I know we have talked before about Mary Kay, but I have never officially given you information.  This practice interview would be a great way to give you information without any pressure at all as we could do it as a 3-way call.  it's simple, short and informative.  And just for listening, I would give you half off any one glamour item!  Can't beat that!  It doesn't matter what your interest level is, it is just a way for me to listen to my director do an interview.  All I need to know is what time works best for you for a 20-30 minute call.  It could even be a lunch hour.  What works best for you (give options).  Set the date and call Pat!

Booking Script: 
Hi Amy, this is Susan.  Do you have a quick minute for me to share some exciting news with you?  Great!  Well, I am so excited because I am calling to tell you that I have started my own business as a Professional Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics!  Part of my training is to do practice facials on 30 women in my first 30 days.  My director told me to call my closest, most reliable friends who would be willing to help me out, so naturally I thought of you!  I need to hold these appointments between (start date to end of PS).  Which week would work best for you?  Great!  Tuesday or Thursday?  Morning or evening?  Amy, I want you to know how much I appreciate your helping me out!  And you know, if you would like to earn some free product you could invite 2 friends to join you for the facial.  Can you think of a couple friends who might want a new look for fall?  Great!  I?ll have a special gift for you plus your credit for inviting friends!  (confirm time, etc.)

To Set An Interview Script: 
Hi _____!  This is ____ with Mary Kay Cosmetics.  Do you have a minute?  Great!  I've just begun my new career as an Independent Beauty Consultant, and I'm so excited.  As part of my training, I must conduct 5 practice interviews this week on 5 top quality people, and I immediately thought of you.  I will only take an hour of your time, and this will be fun for you and good practice for me!  Is there any reason why you couldn't help me with this?  I think you'd be great!  (wait for her response).  For Interview information click here:  Recruiting Basics

After 5 or 6 Messages with No Call Back:
Hi, _____, this is _____.  I'm calling because I'm beginning to worry about you.  I'm nervous that something bad may have happened to you.  I've left several messages and I've even dropped a note by your house.  It's so unlike you to not return my calls - are you okay?  I'm also worried that you may not be returning my calls because of this class we have booked.  Please don't worry about that ... I'm not!  I just want o know what you are okay.  Please call me!  Bye.  For more information click here:  Call Backs

Coaching:   No More No Shows!

Script for Inviting Guests:
_____, so many exciting things are happening in Mary Kay right now and I'd really love to share them with you!  I really believe that this opportunity can change a person's life for the better.  You seem to be an intelligent person.  Don't you feel that you owe it to yourself to listen to a good opportunity?  If may be fore you, or it may not.  But you'll never know until you listen.  Our unit is having a Guest Night on _____.  Why don't you come as my guest?  You are under no obligation.  Just come and see fore yourself.  I'll pick you up at _____.  After the meeting, I'll let you meet my Director and she can answer any questions that you may have.  See you then!

Or:  _____, I am so excited about my Mary Kay business!  I have the opportunity to advance up the ladder in my business and I really need your help!  I need to have 5 people listen to our wonderful opportunity.  Is there any reason why you couldn't spend 30 minutes or so and let me practice on you?  You are under no obligation and I'll have a free gift for you.  Thank you so much for you help!  For more tips on inviting guests click here:  Inviting Guests