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My dear friend Director Allison Wright .. her story!!
Dear TEAM!
I have been thinking today about many of you and how grateful I am for you in my life!  And thinking about your success story that hasn't yet been fully written. 
I started reflecting over the past 6 years of my journey with Mary Kay and I am grateful for God's mercy and in His goodness knew this is where I would need to learn and grow!  It has been much growth and much "becoming" that I never anticipated when I began my business in June of 1999! 
When I hit a few rough bumps and was trying to decide if I should continue or pursue another career instead, I knew deep in my heart that if I quit, it would be because of 3 true and simple things.
Oh, I could blame it on not finding enough bookings....or I could blame it on being too busy/not having enough time (don't we all know someone who tried Mary Kay once and that is why she didn't continue??)......or I could blame it on my recruiter or Director because she didn't do everything by the book (who me? A perfectionist??) ........or I could have blamed it on my diagnosis of clinical depression (which was very serious and required medical attention and almost influenced me to check out of life entirely...not just Mary Kay!!!)......or I could have blamed it on my husband or family, wanting me to get a "real" job, especially when I was struggling.....or I could have just found ANY job that would have required less personal growth and change and been "comfortable" and I would have gone through life just fine. 

Do you know what I concluded?  I knew that my quitting would have been the result of these things....not any of the excuses listed above.
1.  Lack of belief.  
    I thought maybe I could achieve the success so many others had found in Mary Kay.  But did I have the belief that I could?  Absolutely not.  So I knew that if I stayed, I'd have to really work to build that belief.  Is that easy?  No.  Has it changed my life and my future?  Totally.  Will I pass on those skills and that belief to my children and will it impact their futures?  Yes!  (a side note for another time......has my faith in God grown leaps in bounds?  Yes!  Because even in my unbelief, He was still my faithful God!  And if brings you TO it....He'll also bring you THROUGH it.  So when I was doubting myself, I was ultimately doubting God....that He wasn't quite able to use me or bring about the necessary changes in me.  That's major!  Don't do that!  He IS GOD, He can do what He says He can do, and He is WHO He says He is!  But I'll save my thoughts on THIS for another time.... :)
2.  Unwillingness.
    I know what it takes to be successful in this business.   The reason I haven't achieved all my goals to this point is because of my unwillingness to do the necessary work, follow through, build my belief, or do enough of the necessary work (as in....numbers!)  I knew that if I quit, I'd be forced to admit (at least to myself, if never to others) that the real reason is that I was unwilling to change or unwilling to work (just plain lazy.)  I couldn't live with myself the rest of my life knowing that was true!  Could you?
3.  Disobedience
    Sometimes when God calls us in a certain direction, we struggle, fight, and plain argue that surely, He must be mistaken.  He couldn't POSSIBLY want to use me in a company like this...full of people....almost all of whom are women!  He couldn't POSSIBLY change me enough to make me effective, yet alone achieve any measure of success!  He couldn't POSSIBLY want me to step out of numerous comfort zones to become a leader!  After all, doesn't He love me?  Can't He see how uncomfortable I am?  Why would He want me to "suffer" like that?  (that sounds so whiny......but I've said it or thought it, I'm sure!)  
    But if you've ever walked in disobedience (willingly choosing a different path than the one He clearly leads you to) you know you'll never be fully happy or contented living outside of His plan for you.  It's miserable there.  I've been there.  Don't do that! 
So even though I've had, and will continue to have, moments of stretching and discomfort, I have had immeasurable joy and untold victories that reaffirm my decision to follow after the dream that's been planted by my wonderful Lord and Savior!  I could go home to meet Him today and be able to say that I've lived a very full life.........blessed....satisfying........and yes, delightful!  I have lived more in these last 6 years than I did all of the previous combined.  And I've had a very good life, very blessed, very full.  Because when you see the hand of God leading, guiding, and changing you to become more like His son, Jesus....and being willing, no matter what the cost or where the path leads (like leadership in Mary Kay!)  I am confident that you will be able to say that there is no other way to live.   That you are more alive than ever before......and you'll be teaching others to live the same! 
Rich life?
Abundantly so.
Love to you,