Consultant Training
Super Summer Sales

Super Summer Sales


How to Work in July 
Super Summer Upsell 




Celebrate Self-Expression

 "Pucker Up" with Mary Kay!

Summer Email Sale

Thank you Judy Vallin for passing along the email she sends to her customers.  You can write something like this from your heart to your customers this month!

Dear Wonderful Women:


I hope that TODAY was a "joyful" day for you.  As I am typing this email to you...I pause to think of all the "simple joys" that God has to offer us.  My office faces the West and the sunset is the most incredible, pink, a hint of yellow.......what a spectacular sight!!!  From a little girl to the present, I like to continue to believe what my mom told me about such a "picturesque sight".... Santa Claus is making cookies.......that is what she would tell me.


Well, tonight's lovely weather will probably yield (I sure do hope so) a lovely day for all of us to enjoy again.  While many of you reading this might be in a job that offers no sunlight........yet, you "have" a greatful.  Others reading this may be their "own" boss......consider being an excellent boss to "you" for yourself as if you were working for an employer.  Take pride in the fact that you are a "self starter".......and some days (I assure you) are easier than others.  *smile*


Since Summer officially begins June 22nd.......yet, we have been blessed to have such lovely warm and sunny days.......I know the temptation of getting that "bronze glow" going on with your skin.........STOP!!!!!!!  Please understand that 1 "bad" sunburn will increase the odds of you incurring skin cancer.  See, I stand before you as a "former" sun worshipper.....over 25 years ago...but it is interesting how another freckle or 2 seem to be appearing more frequently

now because of the choices I made in so many years past.


You can "still" have that beautiful bronze glow.......and I am attaching a sheet that will tell you how to accomplish that.....a SAFE TAN.  One that will not wash off, it is SAFE, and you will "glow" like never before.


Have a "glow-rious" weekend.  Protect your skin with sunscreen.......AND, allow yourself to share your JOY with 2 or 3 "new" people this weekend.


Blessings to all!




(In case you are ready for YOUR next adventure in skin wellness, or simply a NEW Summer Look, please visit my website: /your name here

Sunless Tanning Tips
Sunless Tanning Tips




Mother/Daughter Back To School Classes