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Beezy and Beebop.. a story with a Great Point!!
This is a fun story and makes a great point about our success........

     Once upon a time in a faraway land, two brand new beauty consultants signed on w/MK to start their business's.Entering the land of overflow and abundance, both were excited to see what the future held for them.
    Beezy and Bee-Bop began their new consultant training and excitedly wrote out their initial goals with their brand new business.
    Monday evening, Success meeting, both ran up to the front of the room to claim their MK pins so that the world would know that they  were headed for greatness!
    Ahhhh!  Life is good!
        Soon, life entered into the equation and Beezy learned that one baby sitter was not sufficient and searched to add at least two others to her list.  Bee-Bop sadly called her Recruiter and stated that she was unable to attend the meeting and shared 5 minutes of details why Monday evening might not work out for her.
        Both went to work booking their Power Starts.  Both met with success and met with rejection.  Beezy worked through her list ending only when she met the predetermined goal for the evening of minimally 5 classes booked.  Bee-Bop looked at the names left on her list and decided that tomorrow would give her a new dawning and a new attitude.  Why book when you are tired!
        Monday evening...Success Express.  Beezy brought 3 models and waited for the other 2 to show up, they didn't, she asked for help and proceeded to facial the other 3, booked classes, sold a basic, a rollup and a lipstick.  What a company!  Seasoned consultants helped guide her through the facials just like her director had stated in Orientation! 
        Bee-Bop waited and waited for her guest to show.  What is with this business?  It is not as easy as they told her it would be...She did exactly what she was told except she knew herself well and made the decision that one model would suit her just fine since this was all so new to her. 
        One month later...Beezy is in her Red Jacket!  She is learning to work around the postponements, frustrations and rejections.  She has learned that Success is always right around the corner for those who persevere and that her Director always has insight on each situation and is more than willing to guide her through what seems to be an obstacle or wall.  Besides....have we talked about the MONEY!  Beezy emotionally shares how the business has allowed her to pay OFF her Visa and Von Maur bill. How could she possibly keep this to herself...she wants all women to know and experience what a MK business can do for them! 
        Bee-bop has learned too.  She has learned that people cannot be trusted, that she might as well stick with her own dialogues because when she tried the booking approach given, the person said, "No."  She has learned that her friend was not interested in the business and has concluded that rather than hear a dozen more rejections..she will just stick to the sales end of the business. 
        Three months later, Bee-Bop watches as Beezy pins 2 more consultants...advancing her to 8 on her team of which two are brand new Red jackets. 
        Their energy and excitement is a little annoying but at least she, Bee-Bop can say that she sold her first basic.  She shares with the group how HARD this has been for her and her many struggles.  Why is her director always trying to turn her conversations around to something positive?  It's like they are all in denial.
        YIPPPEEEEEE!  Fall Advance sign up time.  Beezy immediately signs on and doesn't stop until all of her team are registered too.  Bee-Bop thinks about it, but remembers how hard it is to find a sitter, and if she pays for registration she probably won't be able to make her bank payment again!  Being a sound business person, she makes the decision not to go and work towards making her whole payment this month.  Her husband would really respect her for that.
         9 months pass....Beezy is a brand new Sales Director with a DIQ and three on-target car winners.  Bee-Bop has long retired from meetings, all they do is try to change your personality into a hyper happy person anyway and that is just not who she is!  She will continue selling to her 7 customers and to her family.  You know not everyone is slated for success.  Beezy was on the hyper side personality-wise to begin with.  Bee-Bop concludes that she is just a more serious type of person and not many people succeed at this business anyway.
        Sound familiar?  Can you relate to any part of this story?  The truth is we all have the same opportunity, the same product and the same 24 hours in a day.  What separates the women from the girls is our minute to minute decisions to push through adversity, to trust our Mentors who have forged the path before us, and to discipline ourselves with our daily 6 Most Important List. 
      It is a new year and everyone has more than enough time to not only set Seminar goals but to also meet and exceed them.  Decide to trust, decide to launch out, decide to break through those comfort zones.  Ask yourself the right questions to take you forward to your goals.  Instead of "Why won't this work for me", ask yourself, "How can I make this work, there are at least 5 different ways to get around this, I just need to find out which one will make it work for me."  
       God is very clear about being double minded.  Make up your mind and don't stop until your goal is a reality.  It is already finished on the spiritual level....can He trust you on a daily basis?  Show Him that you will persevere, that you will lean on Him, that you will trust Him to light your path and show you the way.  
      You can choose the faith route, or you can choose to doubt. You will prove yourself "right" either way.      
     I am standing at the victory line of August and cheering you on and through.  I love you, believe in you and KNOW that YOU have been predetermined to WIN!  Double tie your tennis shoes and show this MK world what you are made of!!