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Plan a Debt-Free Holiday Season

From: JoEllen Schaffer

How would you like to have the CASH you needed to purchase presents for your friends and family?
What about the extra money that you need at the last minute for the looked-over gift?
How much do you dread the holidays because you won't be able to pay off the bills when they come in (after the season)?

Well, the buck starts here!
1. Define Your Needs:Decide how much money you need. Be realistic. Most people know how much they spend from year to year. I recommend making a list of who you buy for and the amount you usually spent on each. Include room for the unexpected gift. Example: $500
2. Decide the date you want the cash available for your shopping. Write it on the calendar. This will be your 3-month goal poster. Example:December 15th
3. How many weeks do you have to generate your desired income? Example:10 weeks
4. How much is that per week in profit? Example:$50 profit
5. Using 60/40 split, what do total sales need to be per week? (profit / .40 = total sales needed) Example:$125
6. If you only sell something 5 days a week, how much is that per day to sell? Example$25

DO... Set your plan into action:
1. Most important is that you have the product to sell. Example: To profit $500, you need to sell $1250. Do you already have inventory to support this or do you need to work with your director on how to get it on your shelves. The sooner you have it, the sooner you can sell what you need andshop for yourself.
2. Mark up calendar with all the dates you have commitments: Success Meetings, Holiday Parties, etc.
3. Schedule your selling days
4. Decide your selling method ? Holiday Shows, Traveling Trunk sales, phone calls
5. Plan how you will let your customers know about your services and goal.
6. Tell everyone about your goal: they will want to help and someone may become a team member just so she can have a debt-free holiday too.

Don't give up!Imagine what it will feel like when the cashier says,
"Would that be check or charge?" and your reply is "CASH!"

Thanks to Lisa Strieter of Louisville, KY for the idea.