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MK is perfect now....

TOP 10 REASONS flyer

October 14, 2001 (one month after 9/11)

by Julie Potts, Sr. Director

Reasons why women want to join MK now more than ever.

1.  We are a recession-proof business.  Cosmetics stayed strong even during the Great Depression.  Wal-Mart reported last week while other sales have declined cosmetic and personal care items maintained consistent sales. With the unstable economy, starting a home-based cosmetic business makes sense.

2.  More sales will probably go to catalogues.  With the unease of situations, I believe that more women will do their shopping on-line and home businesses.  We have our regular items that can be delivered to her home and we have a Gift service that delivers to the recipients door-wrapped too.

3.  Holidays are just 2 1/2 months away.  Talk to your clients about getting their own products and gifts at wholesale (50% off the suggested retail!!) PLUS making some extra money so they can have a Cash-Only-Christmas...that's cash paid for holiday gifts!

4.  Tax deductions.  With the unknown about our economy, having a home-based business provides many great tax deductions and helps bring more money back home.

5. A chance to spread hope and pampering.  Many are stressed and others are disillusioned by the affairs of our world and their personal situations. We have a chance to share a simple pampering treatment to forget the worries for an hour and a chance to witness to those who need hope. Many in Mary Kay take the opportunity when allowed to share our faith and now more than ever...we need God.

6. Fellowship with positive women in Mary Kay.   Recruiting isn't about you and what you get out of it...it's for them and how they can shine and provide more for their families.  Let others know that about our wonderful, positive group of women.

Please take this wonderful Mary Kay opportunity and SHINE!!  Don't be selfish... tell 5 women today about Mary Kay.  Send an email to all your friends, family and clients...make a few calls.

God bless you and America,

Julie Potts

Sr Cadillac Director

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."        --Matt 5:16