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The leaves are rustling, the birds are soaring and we are busy getting ready for winter.....ahhhh....winter.  The rewards of a productive summer.... we plant seeds in the spring, we water in the summer so we can harvest in the fall...all so we can have a good winter. 

Life is like that too!!!

In our Mary Kay spring, we plant the seeds by handing out beauty books, cards and recruiting information to our customers, friends and people we just met...it is the first step towards a good winter.

In the summer of Mary Kay we do facials, interviews, bring out guests to meetings we are watering our business, showering our clients with our free product demos, our advice and our encouragement to grow.

By the fall of our Mary Kay we reap the harvest, every time we sell a Miracle Set, our next recruit and in a productive harvest we will reap diamonds, cars and financial independence.

So that, in the Winter of our Mary Kay we can enjoy a bountiful retirement, of re-orders, commission checks, to a well sustained future of FREE CADILLACS every other year to 65, to the Retirement Program, financial security for YOU and your loved ones, to a 5+ Star trip every year for life, to DIAMOND prizes and on, and on and on.

If any one step is missed or not developed to its fullest we short change our WINTER months in Mary Kay.

Begin today for spring, for the rest of YOUR LIFE....

Hand out 5 cards/samples today

Invite 5 to 10 people out for Monday Night Success Training

Book 5 classes this week...one a day...just like the Vitamins.

Sow, water, harvest for Your Future ... the rewards are worth all the work. When you work for someone else, they write you a pay check for the JOB not what YOURE WORTH!!  Are you working for $10, $15, $20 an hour when youre worth $100, $200, $300 or more an hour? I've been sowing all week, I'm working towards the $200,000 a year N.S.DS checks....come GROW with me, so we can harvest a bountiful winter.

"If it is to be it is up to me"....Love & "Bee"lief in YOU! 

Bernice Hartwell