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Kids home for summer?

I have to share with you all what I learned from our Public Schools and we are now doing during this summer.  So far our summer has started off very peacefully.  I actually really enjoy having my 10 and 11 year old at home. 

The first day off from school we sat down and made up a list of rules and punishments.  This is what we came up with.  I'm sharing in hopes that you can have the kind of morning I am today...they are laying on a hammock, given to CJ for Father's Day and...READING!!!  Beds made, rooms cleaned....

Each Sat they begin with 5 letters  S-M-A-R-T.  During the week, I will take away letters based on their behavior.  On Friday, if they have no letters taken away then they can bring a friend on our Friday afternoon outing...to the mall, library, bowling, etc.  If all their letters are gone, then they cannot go with me.  Most of the time I have given them a warning before removing letters and that gets their attention.  If they break any of the 10

Commandments, like lying, then they will automatically lose all 5 letters!!

Each Morning before they do anything, but eat...they must make bed, straighten their room, brush teeth and READ.  If they don't...they lose a letter.

I am also paying them this summer to use for those Friday outings...

    $1 for every 30 min of READING

    50 cents for each Chapter Book completed

    and various amounts for helping clean the house...still looking for a cleaning lady

    and $3/hour to help me in my office

We are using a wipe-off board to keep track of earnings and being SMART.  I told them that my goal for this summer is that we have such a great time together that I will actually cry when they go to school in Sept because I will miss them.  Chris has mentioned that a couple of times so that vision is in his mind.  Both Chris and Nicole will be in Middle School next year.

Have a fun-filled Summer,

In His Peace,


Julie Potts

Sr Director

On-target for Cadillac/$350,000 Unit Club!!