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Personal Effectiveness News

Vol.3 #57 December 3, 1999

As you read this, there are just 22 days left until Christmas. For many, this is a time of great joy and expectation. For others, it's one of stress, the end of a year or era rather than the beginning of a new. But, for everyone, it's a time of choice. You can make of the season what you wish; it's up to you. Here are some tips that might make a difference.

1. Start now. You know it's going to be hectic. There's always one more present to buy, one more errand to run, something you wanted to get done but didn't. Take a moment now, this weekend, to write down the five most important things you want to see happen between now and December 31. List them; rank them; figure out how much each will require in terms of time, energy and money; and schedule them. Believe me, it's easier to do now than later.

2. Have a family meeting. Will those close to you agree with your priorities' Do you need to discuss them and possibly adjust' Communicate, ask, consider, cooperate. Make it easy on yourself and others.

3. Include those you love in your plans. Who means the most to you' What can you do for them (in addition to gifts) that is truly special' Think hard. There's always something.

4. Build redundancy into your schedule. Have an extra string of lights, another casserole in the freezer, a gift already wrapped for that person you forgot.

5. Set a budget and stick to it. If you've already bought all your presents, sorry. If not, be realistic. Don't head into the New Year dreading your credit card bill. The value of the gift is not in what it costs, but what it represents. Some of the smallest gifts, if given with thought and love, can mean the most.

6. Schedule naps. Yes, you read it right. This is, for many, a season of exhaustion. We work so hard at being merry that we forget how tiring it can be! Nap therapy is incredibly effective. Dogs use it. Cats use it. So why can't you!

7. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're the one who does it all, STOP. Tell your spouse and the kids that you need their assistance. Don't take it all on yourself.

8. Lighten up the main meal. Ever feel, after a big dinner, that the only thing you wanted to do was sleep' If so, think about what you ate'turkey, potatoes, dressing, desserts'HEAVY. What can you do to preserve the fun and minimize the damage' Some possibilities'serve smaller portions and offer seconds for those who want them; have separate courses and don't rush them; encourage good conversation throughout; and last, take Fat Grabbers, natural herbs that cause the fat to pass directly through your system. They work.And remember, as you're eating sparingly, you can alwlays have a snack later!

9. Be grateful. Gratitude heals and invites more good. A closed fist holds little. Gratitude is contagious. Catch it and it spreads. If you say grace at the table, give everyone a chance to express their gratitude.

10. Go out of your way to make a difference in someone's life, someone who's less fortunate, someone who would not normally be on your gift-giving list or sitting at your table. Giving is energy. Think about it' if you can make a significant difference in someone's life, even for a day, how would that make you feel' How would it make them feel'

There you have it. Ten things you can do to make this holiday season a great one!

Copyright 1999, Shale Paul. May be transmitted or reproduced in its entirety only, including this copyright line.