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December Team Building

Recruit strong in DEC. 

Make your Dec. happen.  Don't let it happen to you! 

Set a goal to break your December recruiting Record this year!!!

EVERY year December continues to be our BEST month ever!  Why?  it's an attitude!  Start this month with the belief that it will be YOUR record breaking opportunity!  It can and will if you VISUALIZE, VERBALIZE, AND INTERNALIZE IT!  Claim it and make it yours!  I knew in December of 1994, going into my final month of car qualification that I had to make it happen!  I added 6 new recruits to my team in the last four days of December!  How?  Belief in myself, our opportunity and my goals!  You can too!

I really believe that it's what you think and believe about our opportunity.  Ya know, until Mary Kay truly gets into your heart and becomes a way of life for you and your family, you probably will see team building is something you do to reach a goal.  How many do I need?  How close am I?  What can I do to find the next person?  BUT when Mary Kay is in your heart you will view team building as an avenue to change lives!  It's sort of like having children I presume.  When they take their first step, or win their first spelling bee, or come home with an A on their report card, or pass their drivers test, or get accepted to a fabulous college - the pride overwhelms you.  You have tears that come to your eyes - and you think wow I have groomed them into a fine young adult.  I view team building as the very same thing!  Those of you who are mothers will understand what I just said, and those of you that are recruiters will understand what I am about to say!  Team building changes lives.  When a new recruit begins her business, completes her Satin Hands Challenge, finishes her Perfect Start, becomes a Senior Consultant, has a Red Jacket Debut, Earns her first career car, becomes a Future Director, and then a Sales Director.  What a feeling of pride.  Self fulfillment!  You helped to groom her into becoming a beautiful new Sales Director.  In the process she has achieved goals, gained self confidence, self esteem, financial gain, public speaking skills - and BEST of all - your are passing along the dream as Mary Kay Ash would want us to.  You see by touching that one life - she will touch hundreds Nothing compares!!! 

You are passing along the opportunity to each person you recruit to feel that very same feeling you feel when a baby's first step is taken, a new team member earns their Perfect Start, a graduation from high school, her first car is won.  Team Building Changes lives!  The more you do - the more lives you will touch both directly and indirectly!

Make it your goal to add at least 3 new recruits to your team this month!  Go out and change lives today!  Team Building is as attitude of caring and sharing!  I believe in you - I know you can!  let me know your goals so that I can support you this month!

Yes, you can still reach your recruiting goal for this month. 

Not everyone is busy.  I have a single real estate friend who shared with me that she is very lonely this time of year and would welcome the diversion of meeting with someone. Look especially for single women and stay at home Moms right now. 

On the 24th, give yourself permission to celebrate Christ's birth with your family and enjoy Christmas Day.  Then next week, you have 4 whole days to finish your monthly goals before you again give yourself permission to celebrate the New Year on the 31st and 1st.  A lot can be accomplished in 4 days!!!  God created the whole world in just 6..WOW!!!

Get clear gang!  December is a great month to team build!

CATCH THE RED JACKET FEVER! 5 Qualified Interviews in December-- what a great 13% check!


1.       Most will be traveling to relatives homes for the holidays - what a perfect time to practice facials and even classes.  It's also the best time to finish their Satin Hands Challenge found in the Career Essentials. Are you going to travel to see friends and family over the Holidays? Take your beauty case, practice on them and write off at least part of the trip.

2.      Over the holidays you will see lots of people that you wont see very often otherwise. What a wonderful time to be able to tell them about your new Mary Kay career and arrange for post holiday bookings.

3.      What an easy way to book classes for the month of January!  I bet just sitting around the table at Christmas your new team member could book their Perfect Start and quite possibly their Power Start!

4.      December is LAST opportunity for new Consultants to take advantage of tax deductions!  I'll bet that you know friends, family, customers, or even neighbors who could really use the tax deduction! 1.  You get to take the tax benefits at the end of the year without doing much to earn them. ITS LIKE HAVING A BABY IN DECEMBER!  A camera, new phone, fax, answering machine or computer are just a few of the tax deductible purchases you might make for yourself in December.  10.  Since your Mary Kay career has no territories, when you are making all of your holiday telephone calls to friends, keep good records because you can tell them all about your Mary Kay career and write off the calls.

5.      Make immediate sales by letting your friends and family know that your store is open for last minute stocking stuffers, gifts and gift wrapping Services.

6.      A common starting inventory for new Consultants is $1800 - a Sapphire Star order.  Not only will they receive a substantial tax deduction- they will receive the free product bonus of over $400 - be able to pick their prize is the $1800 category - and feel like a winner at the start!

7.      PLUS - if your new team members are out practicing over the holidays before their "really ready" to get going - they will most likely sell enough between facials, classes and their Satin Hands Challenge to place their second order!  Just think of how they will feel! Are your relatives visiting you over the holidays? Practice on them for your training... and get your Perfect Start done.  Are your friends and acquaintances going to Holiday parties? Help them with a Holiday Look.

8.      You will be able to take advantage of a 50% discount on all of your Christmas presents for your friends and family. If your favorite department store called you  and told you that you  could have 50% off purchasing power for a lifetime with regular purchases and a one-time investment of $112.50---would you jump at the chance?

9.      Get your training under way so you are ready to take advantage of the New Year when women are ready to make a change for the better. They also have gift money to spend. Everyone is looking for a post Holiday fun thing to do. January is one of our best sales months. If you wait until then to start, you miss some great opportunities. In a nutshell - your new team members will be able to finish their Career Essentials Training, order their Mary Kay business card package, book their initial classes, attend meetings, earn a few prizes, and at the beginning of the new year 2000 - THEY'LL BE READY TO GO - Especially because January - June are our most productive 6 months of the Mary Kay year!  AND don't forget Valentines Day our second best selling season is around the corner and you WANT them to be READY, TRAINED, & PRACTICED UP so they can sell and reach their goals! Most importantly, be ready to start your new 2000 year with a bang because you have a wonderful new opportunity to look forward to!

Who couldnt find a couple hours per week...if you could earn between $50-$100 per hour??? The benefits are awesome...youll have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

So.... you want to build a team... the following is some key information that I would encourage you to put into ACTION immediately for FAST RESULTS!!! Simple Way.... Simple Words... For a Big Impact on Team Building Now!!! .the 3 R's of Customer Service:  REORDER, REFERRAL, AND RECRUIT!! Here's how this can work for you in conversation with your clients and potential clients:

    1.  "Oh, by the way, when I drop off your order, would you have 5-10 minutes so I can show you what's new?"

    2.  "And before I forget it,  WHO do you know that would enjoy being pampered for an hour?"

    3.  "One last thing... I'm building my team and am looking for sharp women like you to teach skin care.  I believe each woman deserves to make an educated decision based on the facts... is  there any reason why we couldn't get together so I could share some information about MK  with you?"

"I am interviewing some of my best clients this week to consider them for our January New Consultant Orientation.  This career may or may not be for you right now, but I know how much you enjoy the product so you were one of the first ones that I thought of because...... (you are so good with people... or whatever compliment is sincere.)

And of course you will be hearing this.... Most common recruiting objection in December:  "Sounds great, I'll get started after the holidays." What to do when you get this:   You'll want to overcome this objection BEFORE it comes up.  Before going through the marketing plan, you can say:

    "We're doing the paperwork now on new consultants who will be training in January.  This gives new consultants time to read & practice with the products over the holidays.  It also allows them to do their Christmas shopping at half price.  If I were going to spend only 5 minutes telling you about MK, which part would you be most interested in?"

When you get the objection, "I wouldn't want to do anything until January."  Say, "Oh, I couldn't possibly have you ready before January anyway.   By getting the paper work in now, you will qualify to attend our first New Consultant Orientation in January.  I understand that it is busy for both of us, however, I promised myself that I would save a few minutes in my schedule to make you a priority this week so that you would have the option of starting the new millennium with a new adventure.  I have an opening this time or this time, which would work out best for you?" Thank you Sue Kirkpatrick for the great script!

Remember that you are just selling the appointment, not the career and you may need to go where she is for her to give you 20 minutes so that she can know the facts either for herself or to be a talent scout for you.