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Hi Red Hot Red Hots!!!!

Ok, ladies, are you ready to RAKE in the money THIS WEEK?!!! Yes, this week is the time to do it!! You can have a $200 day each day for the next 3 days and wrap up your Star Consultant order by looking for the men!! Hee!! Truly, men are now getting really serious about finishing up Christmas shopping (and will be until 12/24 midnight). So, don't wait for them to come to you. Scope them out. And here's how to do it. I've done it. It works. Go to where the men are. Go t

body shops
auto stores
small hardware stores
auto repair garages

SEEK OUT MEN!!:-) Go to where men work. Take a friend with you if you like, wherever you notice men working, and have those gifts ready in the trunk of your car to buy on the spot!! They'll love it. You might want to do up the products in baskets so they can see what they're buying. Have gift bags ready for the basket to be slipped into so she won't see it:-) Buy a box of Christmas cards for him to have to write on and take with the gift. How can he refuse? How easy could it be for him? Those of you who actually DO this and don't TALK about it are going to be the winners. Start today! Start now!! Don't wait! And, you can keep doing this daily up till 12/24. Normally, around 3 to 5 places hit a day will generate $200+ in sales. . . .so go fly!!! Then, enjoy your Christmas and revel in the pride and joy you feel in meeting your goal and dream! Remember, that the amount of retail on your shelves today is money in your hands tomorrow. So, if you've got $1200 retail on your shelves---that's cash in your hands tomorrow if you decide it will be. BELIEVE IT, AND YOU'RE ALREADY HALF WAY THERE!!! You can dress up your gifts to be a little sensual with bubble bath beads and the like. . . he'll like the idea of these gifts. . .!:-) If he's already gotten her the "big gift", suggest your gift as the "romance" gift---the extra little surprise that meant that he was really thinking of her. . . Can't wait to hear from those of you who do this!! Get busy, little Mary Kay elf!!! spread your Mary Kay pink dust!! Go fly!!

And I BEE-lieve in YOU!!!! Love, Janet