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How to move ahead

As YOU move forward in YOUR business, you'll provide a stepping stone for our company to continue ITS successful path. You are part of something SOOOOOOOOO much bigger than we can even imagine. Let's work our Mary Kay with passion, enthusiasm, and EXCELLENCE and show the world, THE POWER OF PINK!!!!!

Thanks to Denise Kucharski for passing this along.  Do you want to know HOW to succeed in your business?  Wonder what plan to follow?  Here are "the rules" to follow that will guarantee your success

Rules you must abide by in order to move up and ahead:
1.  Develop & Control your Attitude .  This is a daily effort and a daily decision.  It's not what happened to you, as much as what happens IN you! Expect to win, expect the best, and expect a yes.  No, you won't actually win every single time, but you will a lot more than the person who doesnt expect to.  Have a goal with a burning desire to reach it.  It makes a difference for your attitude!

2.  Hold Skin Care Classes -- Classes, not facials.  Facials are fillers. Classes must be held to move ahead.  Read the 3rd paragraph above again!  If you just said, but my people won't book classes go back to rule #1!

3.  Use the Correct Booking Approach. ...word for word at every class to keep having classes.  And by all means....EVERY single new basic must be re-checked...make this a smart way to increase those bookings... (You add 3new basics, you must have 3 new bookings with them)  Other booking ideas are fine, but none are as effective as this one.  It's a rule...don't leave a class without a class!!

4.  Use the Four Point Recruiting Plan at EVERY class. YOU are the messenger with a story to tell.  You don't have any idea if she'll be good or not. JUST ASK.  You could be the answer to her prayer.  ASK!!!

5.  Attend ALL Success Meetings and Advanced Trainings    Be wise enough to know that you don't know it all.  Be eager enough to constantly want to learn more about yourself and this business.  School is NEVER out for the pro.  If you don't learn something new, you still need the energy that's putout from all the achievers and dreamers and doers in that room.  We need each other.

6.  Think EXCELLENCE! Use positive thoughts to propel you forward. Cancel all negatives and refuse to accept negativity from anyone around you.  Use positive affirmations to let go of disappointments, no's and frustration. The faster you can move thru disappointment, the faster you will move up the Ladder of Success.  You don't worry, your work and pray.

7.  This should be #1. .. Successful people have a daily personal walk with God.  That's how you can do #6! Every National Sales Director and Top Director is a master at these things. Arlene Lenarz just held more classes and taught more people how to hold classes than anyone else.  YOU could too! If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it. -- John Irving Miracles, pray for that courage.... and GO TO WORK TODAY!  A magnificent future awaits you...the game has begun, you know the rules, let's play it FULL OUT! __________________________________________________________________

Never end a wish or prayer without whispering, I BELIEVE"

This Week's Quote Unless you decide to DO whatever it takes to acquire the qualities necessary for success, you might end up never realizing what you could have been."  ....Zig Ziglar