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This note was written by DIRECTOR Heather Greenwalt

Hi Consultants,
Are you looking for more tax deductions for your business this year? I'm always looking for a few more myself! This year we have an easy one to take advantage of, especially since we have the new colors, foundations, lotions, etc.

When we have new products (full-size bottles and tubes) that come in - that I can use as demonstration products - I purchase ONE of every color, scent, etc - so that I can use the full retail size for my skin care classes and facials!
Right now - I've taken my order form and ordered one of 3-in-1 cleanser, moisturizer, eye creams, lip mask & balm, triple action lip, calming influence, each fragrance, every eye shadow - even cream-to-powder eye shadows, blush ( I put the eye shadows and blush colors in those platinum trays), new foundation, lotion, mascara, so that I can use it as a demo - product - which allows me to deduct the FULL wholesale amount of that product on my taxes! I still always use the samples of lip products! Also - with the eye colors and blush colors - I've now taken the custom compacts off my shelf too and I'm using those for the LOOKS that we have at the back of our Look Books - I'll pop those colors into the custom compact for my client to use at their facial or class! Again - they're using the full retail size of what they'll be purchasing! I never let my customers double-dip in the shadows or blush - but they've got two sides of the sponge-tip to use or cotton ball for the blush - they'll get plenty of color!!

Also - ANOTHER GREAT TIP - when you use full retail size bottles - you're able to show your customer and prospective clients - what they'll actually be purchasing - this will increase your sales a lot. Ever since I've done this - my sales have really increased - I love getting product on customers faces - so they can feel and know how great they really are! When they can feel and touch the real bottle - they'll want it for themselves!!

The Look Cards that we can purchase from Section 2 - I've now been putting in orders and sending in the mail - rather that using them at facials - You won't go through them as fast - and you'll be making more quick sales and reorders from your current customer base.

My goal for this year - is to help my customers increase their usage of our product line! Make it yours too! You can go ahead and order right online - all these new products -- plus the others that you can use for demos! I see a record breaking year ahead with huge sky-rocketing sales and team building like crazy!!!

Keep up all the good work! I believe in you!! Have a super day!!

[Lynn's P.S....
I keep control of the demos I use that will be disbursed for actual use.  In other words, I dispense on a cotton ball, or a sponge tip... I don't let the customer get it for herself.  Just like you do with mascara.  I also use the spatulas from section 2 to scrape product into the trays, for example from a lipstick.  THIS IS GREAT FOR LIMITED EDITION PRODUCTS THAT DON'T HAVE SAMPLES!!!  You will sell sooooooooo much more!
As a Director... because we do lots of sampling at the meetings like Club MK and at Grand Openings, I also have product that I just pass around for them to try on smear sheets and their hands and arms... these product demos are also full size but are NOT the same ones I use when they are putting them on their face.  I also use these for deliveries and on the go appointments where I am just showing people what's new.  So in reality I have one full size of everything to pass around.  Then I open a demo to use as needed at an appointment.]