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Cabin Fever

From Denise Kucharski
NSD Jan Thetford sent me this and it is excellent! Perfect timing!! Pace yourself as you go through the Christmas rush, and remember Jesus at the center of all you do. Merry merry!! Your NSD to be, Denise

I have an idea that will generate bookings for January, when you're ready to get zooming in the New Year. Don't you hate being ready to work, and having nothing on the books???? Prepare now for January, and you'll be generating income fast. I used this idea , and nearly everyone signed up for it. You can do the same thing!

What it is, is a "Cabin Fever" drawing. I found a cute little decorative birdhouse which looked like a cabin at a craft store - didn't cost me more than $6. I offered it as a prize in a drawing. All the customers had to do was commit to a new year makeover, no purchase required. (Of course, you can offer anything you'd like, from product gifts or discounts to something that looks like a cabin, such as the birdhouse decoration.)

Here's what you say: "Hi Mary! This is Carol with Mary Kay! Got a minute? Great! Listen, I know you're in the middle of holiday preparations, and so am I. It always seems like there's more to do every year, doesn't it? But I'm thinking ahead to January, when everybody's in post-holiday let down, sick of winter weather, and ready for something new. So I'm having a Cabin Fever drawing for everyone who agrees to let me come over (or have it at your house) and "play makeup" for a few minutes with some new colors for the new year. When you do, your name goes into a drawing for [the cutest little country birdhouse that looks like a cabin - you'll love it!] [$25 worth of free Mary Kay] [whatever you want]. You don't have to purchase anything, but you do have to agree to a makeover sometime in January. By then you'll have earned a little time for yourself, don't you think?
Mary, is there any reason why you wouldn't want to enter the drawing, and pamper yourself a little in the new year? Great! Do you want to shoot for the first week or the second week of the month?"

After she's booked the facial, you can ask whether she'd like to make it a "girlfriend night" and have a few friends over. This is a very light-hearted approach to booking, and my customers are looking forward to a little pampering after everything they do for everyone else at this time of year. And remember, many women will have Christmas and Hanukkah money to spend in January - get your share!