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Be Prepared wherever you go this week

Critical Christmas sales for you! Do this NOW

OK, guys, I do not care if you have to stay up until 2 am tonight to get this done. I promise you that if you are prepared you can have awesome awesome sales out of your car this week before Christmas!!!! Now is the time to SELL.

1. Print up gift certificates. Get something together this weekend. I buy the card envelopes at the office supply store and print them up on the computer. You can be very generic but make them look nice and professional (on card stock) or take one you like already to the copy place and have some done up. They are easy to sell. Husbands and men especially. Give the recipient a beauty book also with the gift certificate when you sell it. If you have the order ahead of time then you can spruce it up even more. I just sold 8 $25 gift certificates to a small business owner. I printed them up, put them in envelopes and then put the white envelope in a cello gift bag with shred and put a pretty ribbon on it. It looks beautiful and the business owner doesn't have to do any of the work, just hand them out.

2. Take current inventory and make up some small gift baskets, $5 and on up. I wrap a lot of individual items in cello with a ribbon on top, white or red ribbon and then if I don't sell it for x-mas I can use it for Valentine's day - be smart!!!! Red always works and then if it doesn't move you can save it for the next holiday.......... In baskets you can move limited edition items that you still have on your shelf. Coffee and cream with hand cream $10. I have learned that if I wrap a lot more things individually it is easier to put together a basket for the amount the customer wants immediately and they are not opening the product to sample it! Yuk, I hate when that happens before I can stop it. I had a good friend of mine stick her hand in a jar of elige body cream to try it. Guess what she got for Christmas!!!!! :-)

3. Make sure to contact the recipients of the gift certificates after Christmas and follow up with facials. Your books will be full........

Have an outstanding selling week. Marcia Lenz :-) Independent Beauty Consultant