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I'm Giving Up! I'M GIVING UP!

(I don't like where I'm at in my Mary Kay Career...)

* I'm giving up watching television three nights a week. I am holding Skin Care Classes instead.

* I'm giving up procrastinating - it's robbing me of my time. I know that what I have tomorrow, depends on what I do today.

* I'm giving up making excuses. I am turning those excuses into reasons to succeed.

* I'm giving up my Monday nights. I am attending my Unit meetings and using the education and motivation I receive to build my business.

* I'm giving up listening to, and hanging with, negative people - they only bring me down. I am calling my positive Sister Consultants and my Director - they lift me up!

* I'm giving up blaming others for where I am in my Mary Kay Career. I am taking responsibility for my activity (or inactivity). I am responsible for my own success!

* I'm giving up keeping this career "just for me". I am sharing the Mary Kay opportunity with women everywhere!

* I'm giving up reading the newspaper. I am reading motivational and inspirational books instead.

* I'm giving up my "coffee time" after dinner. I am using this time to book classes and phone re-order customers.

* I'm giving up giving up! I know that quitters never win and winners never quit. I am a winner


Jennifer Smith

Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant