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Chocolate leads

You need:
1 a basket
1 a little glass jar ($1 @Wal-Mart)
1 2 bags of dove promise chocolate($2 a bag @Wal-Mart.)

I go into business and say:
"I know you're very busy but I came bearing chocolate. Would you like a piece?"

Of course they take it.....and ask WHY I am handing out chocolate.....
"It's in honor of Valentine's Day. I am also raffling off $40 of free MK products if you just fill this out for me. I can enter you to win...."

I had them this little form (size of a business card I got it from MK Intouch) that asks them: what they are interested in.  Have they tried MK products? Do they have an active consultant? And would they share their facial with anyone else? Name address and phone and email.

When I call them I say this word for word...."
"Hi, Renee! It's Missy with Mary Kay cosmetics. I met you when I was handing out chocolate the other day. Do you remember me?
Great...do you have a minute?
Great! I did the drawing and you didnt win my grand prize but you did win one of my runner up prizes.
You've won a free facial, satin hands session, and color makeover and $10 in free MK.
Which works better for you daytime or evening?"

Book her and then say........
"I don't know if I mentioned to you but I'm involved in a project where I have been challenged to do 30 faces in 30 days. Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to share your pamper session with a few friends? It's more fun and would really help me out?
Great....can you think of a few friends to join you?
Great!!! I am so excited.  Is it alright if I call you back tomorrow night and get your guest list?
Great I'll talk to you tomorrow around 7:30 then. Bye"

That's it and now I am booking 1 out of 4 I get on the phone. If someone tells me right now is not a great time call me back next month I just add the name to my brain book and date to call them back.

Now when I do my class close I give them the Gift of friendship flyer to fill out and win products when their leads book and hold.  The chocolate leads I have to say is a lot less work than my cotton balls since everyone LOVES chocolate.  I know many of you use and love fish bowls..... I dont use them I want the lead in my hands. I get so upset when the bowl is empty.

Missy Figueroa