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ASKING GETS YESES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are. Arnold H. Glasgow

By Jim Rohn

Perhaps the most important word in success and happiness is the word, ask, says Brian Tracy. 

One three-letter word is at the root of more successes and failures than any other, says sales and management expert Tim Connor. Whats the word? ASK.  People who succeed do so because they ask for what they want, Connor says. And people who fail do so because they dont know what they want or how to ask for it.

Consider these research findings:

-- 46 percent of salespeople ask for the order (or booking) only ONCE before giving up.

-- 24 percent ask TWICE before they shy away.

-- 14 percent give it a THIRD try.

-- 12 percent are brave enough to ask a FOURTH time before they quit.

Heres the interesting thing: The same study revealed that more than 60 percent of all sales occur after the salesperson asks for the order FIVE times or more!

What that means to you: You may hesitate to ask for the booking because you dont want to come across as pushy. But keep in mind that asking is the only way you can succeed in your career. So, ask enthusiastically, ask confidently and continue to ask until the prospect accepts your invitation!

Ask, ask, ask . . . for the booking . . . for the order . . . and always for the referral. Ask for the chance to share your opportunity with everyone. Ask questions, lots of them. Ask every lost booking why they didnt do business with you. And always ask customers how you can better serve them.

Now is the time to ask so you can start receiving! I know you can do it!

Love, Anita