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Happy St. Patrick's Day and May the Luck of the Irish Be With YOU!!

decision that I ever made was signing my beauty consultants agreement 21 years ago this month! The"Luck"started pouring in as I started working my business with at first hesitation and a great attitude and then with unbridled passion. Jan Harris Exec. Senior NSD always taught us that the harder you work the luckier
you will be! Makes sense doesn't it? There isn't a person reading this email that cannot apply the same principles and design a life of her dreams! I know because not only have I experienced this first hand, but have also watched and cheered and supported many other women along the same path!
So what describes the
you desire? Do you want to build your dream home? Do you desire to be debt free and build an investment portfolio? Are you looking at college educations in the future and want to be able for your child to choose the college of her dreams not based on what grants, loans, or scholarships can be arranged? Do you need to help your parents? Would you like to give more to a church fund? It doesn't matter what your "why" is as long as you have one.  Mary Kay taught me to dream.....dream big and then plan big to accomplish those dreams. I am living my dream and am on the path for my
next dream. There is nothing that is impossible only that which you are unwilling to work for. Get that into your heart and digest it. We have better products than we did when I started. Computers, cell phones, email, fax machines all make this business so much easier than when so many of the rest of us built our business. You can start today and be in a directors' suit by summer. You can be driving free this summer. Are you ready to make changes and embrace your future? Are you ready and willing to do exactly what your director tells you to do? Success is a system and anyone can make a success out of herself when
she is willing to do what others have done to reach the same goal! " Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results, predictably." -Michael Gerber, The E-Myth (paraphrased) We have a system. It is called the consultant's guide or director's guide. Follow it. Work on yourself daily and stay connected to your Power Source. God made you, He knows what you need to correct and He will tell you....but you need to listen!

Here is your anagram for success for the day

L----Launch out into the deep. Most stay very close to shore afraid that they will fail. Stay away from those "most". Stick with the women who are disciplined, determined and loyal to the company, to your director and to their business. You will be like the 5 people you hang around the most. That statement in itself reveals everything. Throw your heart over the bar and work with unbridled passion and determination. Pray as if it is all up to God and work as if it is all up to you!

Understand that you are engineered for success. You cannot fail unless you choose to fail. MK has built in mentors to support you every step of the way. The higher you go the more people support you. You can be a success, a huge success by seminar! The time will come and go anyway. Why not be driving your car to Dallas this summer?

create unstoppable momentum by choosing to work 3+3+3. It really is so simple. Choose success. Choose now, Choose discipline. The rewards will thrill you!

Know Who walks beside you! If you really knew Who walked along side you, you would never fear again!

I am the
person alive because YOU are in my life. God bless you with abundant blessings today! XOXOXOXMPNSD
Mary Pat Raynor
National Sales Director
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverb 3:5,6