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Skills to be Successful
 I pray today that you KNOW, YOU REALIZE that you can be successful  in your MK business.  It's all about learning something new.  It's about a  decision, a choice.  You CAN LEARN ALL THE SKILLS TO BE SUCCESSFUL
There is a difference between self-confidence and self-esteem.  
Self-confidence is what you have when you do something over and over and  are good at it.  Like your current profession.  You practice it day in day out,  week in week out.  You should be good at it.  You are working that job,
8-10 hours a day, 5-7 days a week.  YES you are good.  You have self  confidence, you are comfortable, you get your guaranteed weekly,  bi-monthly paycheck. 
Self-esteem is different.  It is liking yourself for who you are.  It's liking   yourself if you are tall, short, blonde, heavy, thin, big nose, small nose, etc.  It's liking yourself.  Most people don't like themselves.  (It is sad because we are born with the talents and gifts to be successful.   We are made in the Almighty God's image.  We are a child of GodThis company is a vehicle
for us to learn, grow, to be your best.  We are made in God's image and God loves us for who we are, yes He wants us to still grow and be our personal best,
but He loves us and He wants us to love us.)   Instead, most people are constantly comparing themselves with others.  With the TV, Media, Magazines, etc.  We have a high, unrealistic standard that has been 'programed,
brainwashed' into us.   When we are self-confident in things that we do, the self-esteem problem is there, but may be kind of dormant, buried sometimes.  
When we get into Mary Kay, it's something different, uncomfortable.  We don't feel self-confident because we are learning.  What can happen is that when we are not feeling self-confident, we could start to feel even more unsure about ourselves, our self-esteem could get even lower.  When our self-confidence and self-esteem are low, if we are not careful, we can talk ourselves, convince ourselves, that this MK opportunity is not right for us.    
We talk negatively, we say this is not worth it, we truly convince ourselves that we can't be good at MK, or we convince ourselves that it's not worth the effort.   Both statements are WRONG.  You can learn this, get good at this,  AND IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!
This business is all about growing.  Growing personally, growing spiritually, growing, professionally.  Yes growing is uncomfortable.  Yes growing (if we are not careful) can make us have a lower self-esteem. 
We have to get past the lack of self confidence in our MK because we are learning something new.  We need to WORK OUR MK business, when we work our MK business, we get more self-confidence and it raises our self-esteem!!! 
The deal is that we have to WORK at our MK to get good.   All the excuses, blaming, complaining etc could be a cover up for you not feeling comfortable, not confident and not self-assured.
Do you remember the feelings you had when you first started your current job, or any job?  Scared, unsure, not much confidence...    You showed up anyway to get that guaranteed paycheck.  You showed up, you practiced, you got good and you got confident.
It's the same with your MK.  You need to show up DAILY.  You need to practice DAILY.   When you do, you will have your guaranteed MK paycheck.  Your current paycheck, I'm sure, is guaranteed NEVER to go to $10,000 a month, $20,000 a month, $90,000 a month.  When you show up with your MK,  get good, get confident, grow personally, spiritually, professionally, you do have the option of your guaranteed MK paycheck to be $5000 a month,  $10,000 a month, $20,000 a month and higher. 
I challenge you to start today (if you haven't already) to do the following  from Million $ director Kathy Goff.   Do that, start TODAY if you haven't already.  Stop saying, Well, I haven't done it yet, I've said I was going to
do it in the past, I didn't follow thru, what makes me think I can/will do it  now?   
 WE HAVE TO CREATE NEW, DIFFERENT habits.   It took you years to do or not to do, to procrastinate etc.  It won't be overnight that you do everything right.  You will blow it.  When you blow it, miss your day, instead of beating yourself up, just say:
OK, I will make this day count.  I will start today to do the things I know to do.  I will listen to my  director.  I will be accountable to her (even if I have to say I didn't
make my goal).
Watch your self talk.  Watch what you think. 
Your thoughts become your words,
  your words become your actions,
     your actions become your habits,
        your habits become your destiny!!!  
Start today to change your destiny!!!!   It's a CHOICE!!!!
Make it a great, abundant, successful, positive, new habit changing day!!  
It's a CHOICE!!!