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NSD Dacia Wiegandt's secret to success

Read what
NEW 26 year-old NSD Dacia Wiegandt
said is her secret to success,
when she spoke at Leadership....

NEW NSD Dacia Wiegandt spoke to Directors at Leadership....

Istarted my Mary Kay business in July of 2001 at 22 years of age. I  had just graduated with my degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida....

I started my business while teaching all day, tutoring after school, and planning a wedding for 300 people. I put in 6-8 hours a week and never missed my weekly meetings. Within 3 months I had earned my first FREE car! During my fifth month in Mary Kay I made a decision to become a director to see if I could replace my teaching income. Within a month I finished D.I.Q and was a new director 6 months from joining. ... After my first full year I had earned 3 cars, one of them being the prestigous pink Cadillac!...

 ... my first year as a director our unit achieved the $500,000 circle of Achievement and I was the Queen of Recriting for the Emerald Seminar earning a 3 carat diamond bee, a 3.5 carat bagot ring, a diamond watch, and a Movado watch for my husband. To top it off, my income that year was in excess of $150,000!

      My second year as a director we achieved the MILLION $ CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE!!!
We were the #9 unit in the nation and the #2 unit in Emerald for Seminar 2004!

       At  Seminar 2005 we were celebrated as the #1 UNIT for the entire Emerald Seminar!!!!

     I had broken a record and now was the youngest MILLION $ SALES DIRECTOR!
I earned a $5,000 bonus, a 3.5 carat swirl ring, a 2 carat bumblebee, a chance to speak in front of the entire Seminar, a MILLION $ Weekend for my unit, and a full expense paid trip to San Francisco and Maui, Hawaii, staying at the Grand Wailea resort in a suite for two weeks!! The trip was priced at $20,000!! For 2005 my husband and I have earned the GREECE and CRETE Top Directors Trip!!! My income for 2005 was in excess of $250,000! 

            My highest love check in one month has been $37,000 in one month!...

On November 1, 2005 I became the youngest National Sales Director in company history!  We will debut as National Area at Seminar 2006!! We will do it with God as our partner!!...

"Consistency was important to me because it meant I could make a sometimes unpredictable business predictable! By consistently working personally and working hard, I had control of my business and it was never in the hands of someone else. I had a formula for success that I focused on from day one of my business. I knew that week to week, day to day, this formula would pay off. Want to know what it is? Surprise surprise!
 I did what Mary Kay told us to do and did 3-3-3, my PERFECT 10 [10 CLASSES & 10 INTERVIEWS a month],
just like my Exec Sr. National Sales dir, Marilyn Welle Velle passed on to my Sr. National Sales dir, Joanne Bertalan who passed it onto me. To help me become more consistent I put in place the habit of getting 5 NEW contacts A Day and 2 bookings a day. I knew if I could do these things week in and week out it would pay off and look it did. 4 years later a National Sales Director. "

"What am I afraid of" Video
by Oprah Winfey

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