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Only One by NSD Mary Pat Raynor
Only One by NSD Mary Pat Raynor
 This bright, new day. Complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices and attitudes... A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes. This unique gift, this one day cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded.
Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a customer.
 Again, choices.  Will you move closer to your goal for the quarter?  Will you go fall in bed tonight thrilled with the fortitude of a winner?  Or...will you collapse into your bed worrying about "what will it take to get me to do what I need to do?"
 "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it."   You have a choice, remember what we talked about yesterday?  Winners in life have fear too, they just do it anyway!  You can conquer your fear or you unknowingly submit to and enthrone your fear.  Each day we consciously or unconsciously move in the direction of our most dominant thought.  Saturate your mind with Great thoughts by reading and listening to tapes. 
            Let your "Yes", be "Yes" and your "No" be "No".  Commit to yourself to finish each day what you start. 
When I was a DIQ, I received a note from my National Sales Director, Shirley Hutton.  In the note she stated that I should not put my head on the pillow at night until my 6 Most Important Things to do list for my business was completed.   That pretty much summed it for me.
  Do you want to move forward and make a financial difference for your family?  If you do, then do what I did.  (Scale this according to your goals)  I had quit my full time job and was full support (no alimony or child support) of my two daughters.  I was a brand new DIQ.    We had a house payment, private school payments, and orthodontic payments.  Other than that I was debt free (due to MK!)  I never allowed my phone log to close on Sunday night until I had 10 retail appointments on my book for the coming week.  You see, I could not afford to place my financial responsibility in the hands of 2-5 appointments.  What if they all postponed?  I was in a situation where I had to play the numbers.  Even with 10 appointments booked if everyone in Omaha came down with the flu, I would still hold 3 appointments.  Do you understand my logic?  If you absolutely had to make this work, no other options, what would be different in your daily approach to the business?  Make a note of those changes and put them into effect now.  There is never an instance where the business "is not working."  It is simply a matter of the woman not working. 
 Thank you, Mary Pat!  Now........ take these words and make them YOURS!  What is on YOUR book for next week?  Today is the day to get it booked!