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Professionals' Week

HERE IS THE EMAIL I SENT to my clients:

click here to view the flyer

A lunch is only for a day
And flowers quickly fade away....
Thank you on this special day,
With a gift from Mary Kay!


Below is a script to book
"Offices of the Week"
"Hi, my name is ______and I'm with Mary Kay. The reason I'm calling is that we are "honoring working women" this month and your company has been selected as
"office of the week!"
I would like to drop off goodie bags for all the women that work there!

How many women are there in your office?
Great, I would love to drop by this Friday around 12:00 with enough goodie bags for everyone!
( Thanks for the wording...
Jennifer Semlsberger)

Office of the Week Gift Basket

Everyone also gets to fill out a drawing slip
for the
"Spa Basket!"

Your follow up is sooooo crucial!
You can ask to have the women to fill out the Drawing slips while you are there so you can begin calling right away. Your other choice is to leave the drawing basket at the business and then give them 3 days to complete their drawing slips, pick them up and begin calling right away.


Secretaries Poem

For your hands that do so much

To give them a smooth and softer touch

From faxing, to filing, to answering all those phone lines

Surrounded by challenges with deadlines

A Peach Smoothie Set for your skin,

That you'll enjoy time and again.

A file and clippers for your nails,

For an indispensable desk mate which never fails.

Cough drops, safety pins, and a Band-Aid just in case,

Cocoa, mints, and chocolate will bring a smile to your face.

Your pampering is not over yet,

A free facial and makeover completes this set.

I'll give you a call to set up a time,

Your glamour makeover won't cost you a dime!

Enjoy these gifts now every day,

I wanted to thank you in this very special way.