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Single Parenting Tips from an NSD

Six Important Single Parenting Tips
from Sylvia

   click here on our Training Center to read Sylvia Kalicak's story.

(As a young mother of two and a busy Independent National Sales Director, Sylvia knows the challenges that come with balancing a business and family as a single parent. Here are a few tips that have worked for her:

  1. Work your Mary Kay business around everything you do. The busier your life is, the larger your circle of influence. Utilize your time wisely and work your business while youre at your childrens school and other places in your community.
  2. Adopt an attitude of gratitude.Be thankful for what you have, including your Mary Kay business. You will attract people with your positive attitude.
  3. Realize you have to sacrifice to succeed.When Sylvia was moving along the career path in the 1990s, she never baked cookies from scratch or had time to take a dance class. Today, she loves making things from scratch and has time for dance lessons. I was completely focused on my priorities: my family and my Mary Kay business. If an activity was too far away from those things, I didnt do it.
  4. Get help around the house.It frees you up mentally and again, allows you to stay focused on your children and your business. Love yourself enough and give yourself the permission to do it, even if you can only afford it occasionally. For example, delegate grocery shopping.
  5. Work from a calendar. Sylvia works with Andrew in therapy for 3 hours a day, seven days a week. She organizes her calendar so that mentally, shes ready to work with him and also ready to engage in income-producing activities, feeling emotionally energetic about both.
  6. Listen to positive tapes. Sylvia listens to any of the tapes from top Independent National Sales Directors and Independent Sales Directors as well as to Christian music. She says to feed your mind with positive things.