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If I had my life to live over

If I Had My Mary Kay Life
 to Live Over

      I would have started my business even if my friends frowned.

      I would have enjoyed my customers rather than worry about rejection.

      I would have gone after the Vibe and celebrated the journey.

      I would have watched my children learn the lessons about goals and obstacles by watching me.

      I would have shared the opportunity without taking responsibility for someones entire life.

      I would have earned the money to kidnap my husband or children for a weekend away.

      I would have concentrated less on being tired and more on being exhilarated.

      I would have used my family as a reason instead of an excuse.

      I would have cherished the friendships developed with the incredible women around me.

      I would not beat myself up for my disappointments but celebrate my tenacity for moving on.

      I would have used the gifts God gave me to succeed in the business He led me toward.

      I would stop to realize I can still do all these things.  I WOULD GO FOR IT!!

      When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.