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Thank you to Directors Debi Jones, Bernice Hartwell,  &  Jeanne Coburn for passing along this information.


Alethia Ramsay, 47 is a ministers wife; she was at the Birmingham Career Conference and was the top achiever in the Movin' On Up Luncheon. She is from Dothan, Alabama. Alethia joined Mary Kay 14 years ago and decided it wasnt for her at that time.  She quit for what ever reason but wanted to rejoin to earn money to go towards a building for the church.  She told her ladies as she recruited them, "let's do this together". Alethia is Darlene Minniefield's offspring and is in the Jo Reynal National Area. She is a woman of FAITH and certainly worked with enthusiasm.

Signed her agreement Jan. 20th of this year and by the 31st had eight active recruits in (eleven days). Became a DIQ on Feb. 1st and finished on Feb. 28th, 38 days after signing her agreement.  She had three Team Members who recruited 24 so there was her directorship done right there, she also earned her car at the same time! Alethia talked about getting the vision. She is a visual person and said once she saw those St. Johns suits at Career Conference she decided she was getting one. She is obviously a woman of faith and determination.  Alethia is somewhat soft spoken but very focused. She doesn't look left or right when she works. She decided that once she got eight people on her team in eight days, that she could probably be a Director.

Just goes to show that Team work definitely makes the dream work! But Wow! What a story! We all know that this is possible but when we hear of someone actually doing it it just breaks our belief barriers even more.