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Classes vs Facials

Subject: Focus On Classes, Not Facials

BY Lynn Hill


1. TIME. A facial takes as much time as a class because you may relax too much and talk too much! With a class, you have three to six prospects to book, sell and recruit. You only have one or two at a facial. Which makes better sense to you?

 2. SKILL. You can't become an expert at something by doing it once a week. Repetition builds technique. The better you feel about your class procedure, the more readily you will book. The more you work, the easier and faster your expertise will come.

 3. MASTER CONSULTANTSHIP. Holding classes will make you a master at this business. When you decide to become a Director, it will be a piece of cake!

 4. HOLDING A CLASS lets you do it all -- book, sell and recruit.

 Buying is contagious and women love doing things in a group. They will SELL each other!

 Book at least two people from each class, one to replace it and one to build on. Turn follow-up facials into classes by promoting the hostess program.

 Coaching is simple at the class. Your prospect has just witnessed what will be expected of her. Coach future hostesses together on the spot! Give them each a hostess packet. Find out what they want to win as their hostess gifts and show them how to win. Look each woman in the eye and say, "For some Consultants this is just a hobby, but it is my career. You can count on me to be there rain, sleet or snow! May I ask that same consideration on your part?" Be peppy and enthusiastic. Shake her hand with tender loving care and tell her you love working with dependable, reliable people. Set the date on the spot and send her a thank you note the very next day for agreeing to hold a class. This method can help you wipe out postponements altogether.

 Select two people to recruit at every class. Give them a Consider the Possibilities video to watch. Book a time to pick it up within 48 hours. If they're interested in starting their own Mary Kay business, interview them or take them to your Director.

 5. POSITIVE ATTITUDE. I never see a depressed Consultant who is consistently holding classes.

 6. BOOKING CLASSES IS A MINDSET. When you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right. It's all in your attitude.


  • Recruit off the street, they will come to meetings.
  • Recruit from a facial, they will hold facials.
  • Recruit from a class, they will hold classes.

 8. HOLD FIVE CLASSES THE FIRST WEEK OF EVERY MONTH. Imagine how this will increase your business. Many a race is won at the starting gate. This will perpetuate more classes and new team members for the rest of the month.

 9. KEEP 10 CLASSES ON YOUR DATE-BOOK AT ALL TIMES. Each time you hold one, make sure you replace it. Here's how:

 Make a list of your good customers, friends, family members and past hostesses.

 Plan your time. In your date-book, circle in green every time period you have to do your Mary Kay business.

 Call from your list and say, "Hello, _____! This is _____ with Mary Kay. Do you have a second? The reason I am calling is that my Director has challenged me to hold five classes this week and I am excited! I need your help. Is there any reason you couldn't have four or five ladies over for a cup of coffee and a free facial so I can meet this challenge?" Give her a choice of circled dates from your date-book.            
