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I heard a neat comment in a class at Career Conference:  "Happiness is a guest on each arm!"  Hey, let's get HAPPY!!  Asking people to model at your weekly Success Meeting is a great way to warm chatter, a great way to facial people, and super way to expose them to the opportunity, all rolled into one!!  Bee happy!

Great script below.


Thanks to Doris Gessner for forwarding & Linda Quillin for composing:


Attached is a warm chatter letter for face models for the meeting/event.  Replace with your address, print with the map to training center/or your home on the back.  Attach a $10 gift certificate and stuff into envelopes. 


Warm Chatter:


"Hi!  Im a MK consultant and I want to invite you to come to our guest event (which is a meeting) as my face model because you are so ___________ (sincere compliment).  I need to have 5 models scheduled for each training because I am moving up into management.  Is there any reason why you couldn't take some time out to be my face model?  ______________"(Stop talking and wait for her answer)


"Great!  Which is better for you, Monday at 6:10 or Thursday at 11:45?  How about ________?"  Pull out the Face Model letter CLICK HERE (with the map and G.C.).  Write the date, time and place on the letter. 


"Is it all right if I call you a few days before to confirm that that date is still ok?  Wonderful - write down your name and number and I will call you on _____________."   ________, it was so great meeting you!  I know that you will be a great face model!  See you on _____________!?



Make it your personal responsibility to have 5 face models booked for EVERY MEETING...because only one or two will actually show-up   And make it your personal mission to have 1-2 "group appointments" set to be held at your place 1-2 times a week for next 3 weeks...Watch your business grow....use this to invite to one or the other...have two sets (different colors for training/your home)....and be prepared....you will need to type directions to both your training center/meeting place and your home!!!   This has incredible possibilities...Will you take up this activity daily for next 21 days????  This is a fun activity, and a small price to pay to put you into a car/DIQ/financial security!!!    Let me know....hugs, lq