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MK Summer Pilot Program
From: Tracy Potter
Add your name and phone to the message below, and send it to all of your prospects.  Also, mail it to those you've interviewed already - especially teachers!!  In fact, if you could get this into the hands of every teacher, maybe in their mailboxes at school if that is allowed, what a boon!!
A great Team Building Flyer--  You might want to take your Roll Up with you so she can see what that extra bonus looks like. In fact-- it would be a good idea to fill that Roll Up with the product that she will get in her Starter Kit so she can actually SEE it-- including the bonus items of the Miracle Set and The MK Autobiography, if you have it.( The Miracle Set and the MK Autobiography are bonuses that come with a new consultant's $600 order through Sept. 15th.)  Could you resist?  I know I couldn't!!  Don't you sometimes get so excited over all the offers for new consultants that you wish you could sign up all over again?  Keep that excitement and share it with your prospects!  
Try being a consultant for a month or two,
Earn $500 or more, and see how you like it!!
If you love it, keep going!
If not, become a client again, or reorder
for personal use and buy your
Mary Kay wholesale!
How to get started!!
1.  Order your starter kit for $100 plus tax and shipping and you will receive Full Size retail product valued at $147.50 including samples, books and everything you will need for your summer pilot program.
2.  Order a basic inventory order for $600 plus tax.
3. Book a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with me and invite your family and friends. We will sell $200-$300 and book 5 or 6 appointments.
         4.  I will help you with the first appointment and we will sell $100 or $200.
         5.  You hold the other 5 appointments, selling out of your own inventory.  If you are  enjoying  your experience, and having loads of fun, we'll keep on!!  If not, enjoy the profits and become my special client again!
Normally when you order $600 wholesale,
you receive $1200 retail.
Until September15th, you will receive an extra
$100 in product, absolutely free
plus a great travel Roll Up
So instead of $1200 to sell,
You now have $1300!!
That is $100 for FREE!!!!
What a great time to give Mary Kay a try!!!