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Create Summer IDEAS for bookings and fun! Sell your prospects on the relaxation time with their friends. Be prepared yourself for last minute opportunities; women love the fun of it all!

* Pamper Your Piggies...around the pool, at the hotel. Use Satin Hands,buckets, etc. BOOK them for more!

* Hand Class ...same concept, but start with the "back of the hand" facial."Back of the hand" facial...do Miracle Set (not night solution) on the back of ONE hand, using contrasting oil free DR color on back of both hands as last step (contrasting on ivory skin could be a dark beige or light bronze tone, shows them the difference in texture on the "miracle set hand" vs. bare hand). Carry disposable washcloths. Takes 2 minutes at most. Many Miracle Sets are sold that quickly! I now start all my regular facials with this procedure.

* On the GO .........carry your GO bag everywhere, ready to do those "back of the hand" facials; pool parties, family reunions, barbeques. BOOK for future Classes.

* Garden clubs...go do a sunscreen class: teach the value of sun protection. Bring a few sunscreen products for drawings and get their names and phone numbers for future bookings!

* Eyes Cream Social...Prepare eye care product sets in ice cream dishes and serve ice cream. Everyone tries eye products, sees the new colors! BOOK more...

* Mary Kay Bingo...Play Bingo and give little product gifts. Have sets displayed all over the room, romance sets as you play. Let them shop! BOOK for future...

* Summer Glamour Girls ...Glamour only. Everyone wears a brightly colored summer outfit, tries all thecheek and eye colors to create a great look for summer. BOOK for skin care class later.

* Have your OWN "parties" at your house with lots of women there.... BOOK from these fun times for future appointments with more women to expand your clientele. (This is my favorite...less time and travel...SO EASY!)

Always present the hostess a lovely gift IN FRONT OF her friends, so they will want one, too!

There are sooooo many more ideas! YOU create your own! Think quick and think fun and reach your goals this summer!

Barbi S