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Scripture for Spiritual strength to run to the finish line!
WOW!!!!! This is an awesome reminder of our Gods faithfulness. I love it. Read today!!!! Thank you La Rue Banard (Cadillac Director from Canyon, Tx. ) for sharing this with us.
God has wonderful, great blessings in store for you!  Hang in there until you have your miracle!  So many of you have great momentum going or you are building it.  Keep on going, and carry it into the new Mary Kay year!  Will JUNE be a "BEAT OUR BEST" for you and for us?  These next few days will determine it!  I am cheering wildly for you!  I am so excited about the future you are creating, the NOW you are creating!  Keep running to the finish line!
It's June 25th!  Are you wrapping up your month?  Are you filled with victory, strength and focus???  Or...are you starting to panic? 
"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect"  Psalm 18:32-33
I want you to be fully aware of some facts that can determine exactly how you cross that finish line.  Your goal is already finished in the spiritual realm.  Do you believe that?  It is not in the giving that there is a shortage, but unfortunately there is a gap in the receiving for so many.   God has already gone before you and made your way straight and yet ....I have to ask you....are you eagerly anticipating and looking for the answer to your prayer?  Are you excited?  Or,...have you already started looking at next month? 
     JoAnn Cunnington, NSD, once told me, "When the "win" is lost in your mind, it's over!"  Talk about a "V8" moment, I was so moved that I had that saying carved on a little wooden wedge that sits on my desk to remind me that it is never "over" unless I decide that it is!
       Do you remember what happened when Moses saw Pharaoh's armies thundering toward him?  He did what I see so many consultants do when faced with a situation that looks impossible.  He began to panic! 
        "Oh no, it's the 25th of the month and I have to have at least 3 more people on my team to submit for DIQ ..... really I don't even have the rest of the month...I have to work 4 of these days....the kids have their activities....what am I going to do?"  "It just doesn't look like I can do anything about this! 
        Moses started to whine and gripe and complain until God said, "Quit your complaining and tell your people to go forward!"
        Are you placing your faith in your doubts or your faith in your FAITH?  Why in the world would you ever doubt God?  God is God and you can take Him at His Word!! 
        God asked Moses, "What do you have in your hand?"  All he had in his hand was a shepherd's rod........and you know the rest....he was told to stretch it out over the sea and immediately a huge wind began to blow and the waters parted. 
        Notice that God didn't give Moses an itinerary upfront and comfort him with the details of the plan.  He said....(paraphrasing) " Keep moving...use what you have." Do you really think that Moses thought ....."I'll just bet that God will part the sea so we can make it to the other side!" 
        What did Moses do to make room for the impossible?  He used what he had in his hand!
        You may be thinking at this very moment, "God, how on earth can I possibly finish this?  It looks so impossible!" 
            Let me assure you that NOTHING is impossible with the Lord!  The dream that He has placed in your heart can become a reality.  You must make room for the impossible by doing the possible and using what is in your hand as God directs you.  Do you really believe that finding 3-10-30!!! people is difficult for God???  There are many ways to please God but not one without FAITH!
"....I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you....."  Matthew 17:20
"The Lord performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted."  Job 5:9
"Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.  Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete."  John 16:23-24
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me."  Phil 3:14
"The Lord is my strength and my song.  He is my God , and I will praise Him.  Exodus 15:2
   "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:5,6