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Affirmation examples

I no longer feel __________

I let no one push my buttons!

I let no one rain on my parade!

I get out of my own way!

I go over, under, around, and through all obstacles!

I am highly motivated!

I am truly dedicated!

I am disciplined and focused!

I am a woman on a mission with a vision!

I am making it happen!

And I am extremely successful!

This was sent to me by way of Deb Bishop and think it is fabulous!!!

I Am A Winner
. . . because I think like a winner, prepare like a winner, and perform like a winner.
. . . because I set high but attainable goals, work toward those goals with determination and persistence, and never stop until I reach them.
. . .because I am strong enough to say "No!" to those things that would make me less than my best, and to say "Yes!" to the challenges and opportunities that will make me grow and improve my life.
. . . because total commitment is my constant companion, and personal integrity is my life-time mentor.
. . . because I have a well-earned confidence in myself, a high regard for my teammates and co-workers, and a healthy respect for those in authority over me.
. . . because I have learned to accept criticism, not as a threat, but as an opportunity to examine my attitudes and to improve my skills.
. . .because I persevere in the midst of obstacles and fight on in the face of defeat.
. . .because I am made in the image and likeness of my Creator, who gave me a burning desire, a measure of talent, and a strong faith to attempt the difficult and to overcome the seemingly impossible.
. . . because of my enthusiasm for life, my enjoyment of the present and my trust in the future.

Here is a positive affirmation from the book Over The Top, copy and put on a 3x5 index card.
I,______, am an honest, intelligent, goal-directed, organized, responsible, committed, punctual individual. I am highly motivated, optimistic, enthusiastic, positive, focused self-starter. I am a decisive, competent, disciplined, persistent, knowledgeable, creative, resourceful team player who makes good choices. I am an emotionally intelligent, confident believer and an extra-miler. I am energized, have great self-control and a healthy self-image, and manage myself well. These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be, and by using them every day, I will maintain my momentum and have employment security in a no-job-security world. They will also enable me to get more of the things money will buy and more of the things money won't buy.

Booking Affirmation from Vivian Neeley:
I Love to Book!!! I love to book!!! I love to book!!! I no longer have a fear of the unknown! I?m not afraid to call and meet people I don?t know yet, in fact, I?m excited about calling and meeting new people. This results in booking, coaching, selling, recruiting and making many new friends!!! I consistently sell at least $300 weekly and I always have 10 appointments on my books, making me a Star Consultant EVERY quarter! It?s fun and easy for me!!!

My affirmation is this:


And because I am great, GREAT things happen to me!


And because I am POWERFUL, I can do anything I make up my mind to do!


And because I am FAITHFUL, fear has no place in me!


And because I am B,T, and W. . .

I share my gifts with the world and make it a better place!

Have an awesome day,

Pat Campbell

Dynamic, Determined, Destined, for Success
Committed, Concerned, Caring and so Blessed
Looking for those of similar style,
Searching, Flashing my great smile.

Know they?re seeking What I?ve Got
Thankful, it?s an unending lot,
I carry the Torch, passed from loving hands,
Traveling, all over this Land.

Grateful, Driven, Anxious to Embrace, All that?s Available
When done by His Grace.
PAT WELLS LOYAL, from Colonia, New Jersey

Positive Affirmation for a Daily Mental Bath
I am the Super Bad _(Your Name)_ and I have Zero tolerance to medioc-
rity & Stinking Thinking, because those two things only limit the
Woman I am becoming! Therefore, Today, not tomorrow, but Today,
I will make a difference for myself, my family, my Team, my Unit &
my area, by taking a Mental Bath and by (fill in the blank with an
IPA)__________ (guest list, Book 5 classes, contact 25 new custom-

Everyday take a Mental Bath & fill in a new IPA.

I am a Woman on a Mission with a Vision and a Passion, and also a
Woman of my Word, so Today I promise myself to follow through and
Do what I said I will do! I will allow Nobody! Nobody! To push my

Affirmations by NSD Crisette Ellis

I'm A Force
I'm a FORCE to be reckoned with and I will not be stopped.
I'm a FORCE on a mission determined to reach the top.
I'm a FORCE with a vision, a mission and a plan; a FORCE that will not falter, determined to stand.
I'm a FORCE, can't you feel it, can't you see it in my eyes ?
I'm a FORCE with huge dreams, determined to rise.
I'm a FORCE moving forward nothing to hold me back.
I'm a FORCE with a future no time to look back.
I'm a FORCE and I refuse to be denied.
I'm a FORCE being lead by the Almighty God.
I'm a FORCE and I'm working each and every day, not wasting time or complaining for it's the only way.
I'm a FORCE, can't you see it in all that I do ?
I'm a FORCE with the victory - how about you ?

POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONtorepeat to yourself Each Day:
"I'm active,I'm attractive and I'm in demand!
I'm a mover and a shaker and I work my plan!
I sell them and I book them and I share the dream,
I'm excited, I'm ignited and I'm leading my team!
I'm a woman on a mission, I will reach my goal,

Affirmation Vitamins

Independent Executive Senior Sales Director Edie Norquist of Bloomington,

Minn., shares the following ?Affirmation Vitamins. She says to take one each day of the month. Read them aloud three times a day. Swallow these vitamins with excitement juice and follow by shouting, ?I am so excited!?

1. I can, I will, I MUST!

2. Do it now. Do it now!

3. I have the will to succeed!

4. I?m a make-a-way, find-a-way, above-average-in-every-way woman!

5. I feel passionate about my goals!

6. I am on a mission to step up!

7. I succeed by helping others succeed!

8. I am so hot, I sizzle!

9. How high I am, how much I see, how far I reach, depends on me!

10. The ability to beat the odds lies within me!

11. My dreams create my future!

12. I have good news, I will pass it on!

13. I have a standard of excellence in my life!

14. If I can conceive it and believe it, I can achieve it!

15. In all risk, there is reward!

16. Some will, some wont, so what? Someone is waiting!

17. I expect miracles!

18. I love people!

19. I believe that what?s to come is up to me!

20. I deserve to be royalty!

I?m Giving Up!

Independent Executive Senior Sales Director Rose Mary Neel of Portland, Ore.,

encourages her unit members to give up! She calls it her ?I don?t like where I

am in my Mary Kay career, so I am GIVING UP!? plan.

1. I am giving up watching television three nights a week. I am holding a skin care class those three nights!

2. I am giving up procrastinating-it?s robbing me of my time. I know that what I have tomorrow depends on what I do today!

3. I am giving up making excuses. I am turning those excuses into reasons to succeed!

4. I am giving up my Monday nights. I am attending my unit meetings and using the education and motivation I receive to build my business!

5. I am giving up listening to and being with negative people-they only bring me down. Instead I am calling my positive sister Consultants and my Sales Director-they lift me up!

6. I am giving up this career ?just for me?. I am sharing the Mary Kay opportunity with other women everywhere!

7. I am giving up not saving for career Conference and Seminar. I am going to consistently put aside a certain percentage of my earnings to cover these educational expenses!

8. I am giving up giving up. I know that quitters never win and winners never quit. I AM A WINNER!

I am the RED HOT Bernice Hartwell and I pride myself in holding a POWER START EVERY MONTH, not sometimes, not when its convenient but EVERY MONTH!

While doing a MENTAL BATH, EVERY DAY in MARY KAY so that I can be strong, and energized to go OVER, UNDER, AROUND or THROUGH any and every obstacle I meet.

I will let NO ONE, I mean NO ONE push my buttons. I will be an example for others to follow by KISS...keeping it simple sweetie. I will remember that if I?m going to make up stories they might as well be GREAT stories.

I will do this because my PASSION IS BIGGER THAN MY PROBLEM. I will be there for my team, my unit and my

National Area.

And my IPA goal today is ___________ , because EVERY DAY matters, look out world we are in the DRIVERS SEAT!



by Paul Van Dyke
When you possess an innermost spirit and desire.
When your dye has been cast.
When your decision has been made.
When you have chosen to step over the line, stand up and be counted and become a disciple of the determined,
When you won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still
When your past has been redeemed.
When your present makes sense, your future is secure
When you are finished and done with low living, light walking, small planning, smooth knees, sullen dreams, tame vision, Mundane talking, chincy giving, dwarfed goals.
When you live by faith, and lean on your strengths
When you walk with confidence
When you are lifted by prayer and labored by love.
When your direction is set, your gait is fast, your goal is real, your road is rough, your way is narrow, your companions are few, but your guide is reliable and your mission is clear.
When you cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed
When you will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, pause in the presence of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
When you won't give up, let up or shut up until you have saved up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and become the person God intended you to be.
When you are committed that's
you stand out from mediocrity,
When your desire dominates your doubt,
When your purpose in life is greater than your problems,
that's when you will be