5 Minute Marketing Plan
Five minute Marketing      
By Dacia Wiegandt            

7 reasons why women come into Mary Kay Cosmetics:

    1. Money- highest direct commission paid in U.S.- 50% commissions on all products

  1. Free Car!! -  Cash compensation or car. 85% of Insurance paid
  2. Friends-Support system. In business for yourself, not by yourself!
  3. Freedom from corporate America- no glass ceilings, unlimited earning potential!

5.  Flexibility- full time pay for part time work, on the go selling, great for any busy

      Woman, mom, full time employee, etc

6. Website opportunity- You can have your own website fro $25.00 a year!!

7. Tax advantages- self-employed, so tax benefits and deductions are endless.

8. Company Values- God first, family second, and career third. Golden Rule applied to all business in the sales force and corporate in Dallas.

What does it take to get started?

$100.00 plus tax and shipping ($450.00 value in the kit)

(Show picture of starter Kit on the back of the Something More brochure)

We have the privilege of investing in inventory.

However, it is not required, but recommended.

You could purchase 1 skin care set or 100. It is all up to you and how much you feel you would need to service your customers. My Director will answer all of these questions for you and your husband at training. There is a 90% buyback on all inventory purchased making it a risk free investment.

I understand that this may or may or not be something you are interested in, however, in your WILDEST dreams, if you were to ever consider getting started making some extra money with Mary Kay

Remember, if she doesnt sign on the spot leave her with a Something More, Your Future is Now c.d. or a  Consider the Possibilities video. Also leave a career car flier, Living a rich Life brochure, and an agreement.

                             Turn this into me for credit!!!                            

  1. What are some things that I have shared with you that could get you excited about the Mary Kay opportunity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.  Why would you be good at this business? _______________________________________________________________________________
  3.  What would be something that would concern you? _____________________________________________________________________________
  4. If you knew you couldnt fail, and that Dacia- my director and I would teach you everything you needed to know to be a successful beauty consultant, is there any reason why you wouldnt want to get started today? On a scale from 1-10, where would you be?

Never   1          2        3        4           No fence         6         7          8        9        10 Yes

Comments: __________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

Phone #- best # to call: _________________________________________________

E-mail address:_______________________________________________________