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What Should I Be Doing?
You have many responsibilities as a Mary Kay Consultant.  Wouldn't it be great if we knew how to prioritize our time so we got MORE done in LESS time?  Success is more that being busy - it's getting the RIGHT things done!

Prime Activities during prime people time (PPT - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.): (In order of importance!!!!)

1.     Book New Selling Appts. (Classes & Facials) - don't let that date book get empty! Keeping a full datebook with twice as many appointments as you expect to hold each week is a must! Don't wait for huge chunks of time.  Sometimes popping into your office for 10 minutes to make 3 calls can yield a lot!!!

2.     Follow-up With Interview Prospects.  You'll always want to touch base with those people you interviewed in the last day or two!  Don't let this critical follow-up slip through the cracks!!

3.     Return Your Customers Calls.  This should always be done within 24 hours of their call - they deserve good service.

4.     Coaching Hostesses & Pre-Profiling. A class worth booking is worth coaching.  Too many postponements hamper your progree. Some postmponements are normal but more that 50% are not.
5.     Inviting Guest to Meeting/Events and setting up new interviews not held at the end of a skin care class.   I always found that Wednesdays were a doay to invite 10 guests to my next Monday Night Meeting.

6.     Customer Service Calls.  Be sure to service those existing clients who deserve a 6-8 week check-up so they can know about the new products and what specials you have.  Can you book some of them for an updated makeover? Turn those reorders calls into new appointments and invite to next Mary Kay function!

7.     Contacting Team Members and checking in with your Director!  Key people contact their Director frequently (daily?...every other day?!) and call their key team members once per week or send a postcard.  Ideally could be done after 9 p.m. if OK with Team & Director!! If you call them at 7:30 p.m., you're tying up YOUR precious People Time and theirs, too!  BOOK instead!

What Can I Do During Non-Prime People Time (NPPT)...that is before 9 a.m. and after 9 p.m.?

1.     PLAN Your Week! Use weekly plan sheet!  An hour's worth of planning will save you countless hours of wasted mis-invested efforts.

2.     Order! Quickly look over your iventory and e-mail that order in on In'Touch.  Always shoot for 50% profit if possible!

3.     Prepare for Skin Care Classes! Clean mirrors, organize profiles, etc.  Also try to delegate as much of this as possible! Send those reminder postcards to future hostesses!

4.     Fill Out Weekly Summary Sheets- 1 copy for you and 1 copy for your Director!

5.     Fill Orders Received that Day!  Mail most of them.  Onlky deliver those athat are on your planned route for the next day or for customers you want to see face-to-face to interview or increase the sale.  Riding all over the countryside for a day is not wise of your time unless you're SEEING the people!

6.     Paperwork.  Never use Prime Poeple Time to do this, if possible!

7.     Read Your Applause Magazine & Director's Newsletter!! You'll be inthere if you're following this advice! Smile! (

Wise Time Tips:
*     ALWAYS Attend and Support Company Events. Try to take guests to EVERY Monday Night Meeting so you can be motivated and trained while your earning!!

*     Take New Team Members Along with you to your Skin Care Classes and talk to them in the car on the way.  Try not to tie up both of your precious scedules with personal "extra-training" times.

*     Listen to Motivational Tapes while you put on ;your make-up in the moring and while riding in the car.  Make your car a "college on wheels."

*     Try To Do Two Things at Once.  For example, why not listen to tape while ironing?  Write postcards while you're getting your haircut. Drop deliveries off on the way to your child's ballgame!

*     Don't Sweat the Small Stuff! Keep growing form frustrating moments that point to a need to re-prioritize and plan better. Frustration proceeds growth.  It's not meant to be a sign to quit!!

*     Make a Bug List. Write down those things around the house or in your business that "BUG" you and tempt you to get off track. Scheduling a time to "fix" these pesty items will relieve you of stress.

*     Always Be Solution-Oriented not problem oriented!  Guard your attitude and your time will be much better utilized!!