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Are You Drawing Money To You?


By NSD Sue Kirkpatrick


The Enlightened Entrepreneur
"Would you jet with me to Paris, if I told you we're leaving tonight?  How 
about putting a 20% down payment on your dream house at a moment's
Perhaps not.  But then again, maybe you would...
As Thomas Edison said, "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we 
would literally astound ourselves."
Before you dismiss these words as 'motivational
babble,' consider one more passage I've chosen for you, by Louise Hay.   I promise
you - we'll get into some fun and practical stuff that will have a direct impact on the
quality of your life.
"Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money
is dependent on your prosperity consciousness
. As you can conceive of
more, more will come into your life."
You see, money is nothing more than
an energy.  An idea.  It flows to those who attract it through their attitude
and mindset.  If you have any doubt about this, get a copy of Napoleon Hill's
classic "Think and Grow Rich."  Published over 50 years ago, Hill's
masterpiece remains one of the most respected and best-selling works on
and abundance.
 So what, then, is the first step to attracting abundance into your life?  
What specific action can you take to make this happen?
 I submit to you that the very first thing you must do is to permanently flush 
a certain 4-word phrase out of your vocabulary.  These are 4 of the most
cancerous, debilitating words one can possibly utter - yet hardly a day goes
by, when I don't hear them repeated several times:
 "I can't afford it."
 That's right.  Eliminate the words "I can't afford it" from your mind at 
all costs!  I know you have the best intentions with this phrase, and feel
like you are being sensible and practical.  It took me a long time to get rid
of it myself!  But "can't" and "afford" are
limiting words.  And by saying
them, you are unconsciously setting a ceiling on what you can accomplish
in life, which is a sad state of affairs.
 Are you the type of person who likes a 'quick fix?'  If so, then here's a 
great tip that you can put into action immediately.  From now on, whenever
you would normally say "I can't afford it," instead say "I choose not to
purchase it at this time."  Now instead of saying 'limiting' words, you are
saying 'choose,' which is an empowering action word!
 Why is this slight alteration so powerful?  In a word, control. Taking control 
and true ownership of your life, and the decisions you make, cannot be
overstated.  By choosing not to purchase something, you are making a
conscious decision.  And if something
does not make financial sense for
you at any given moment, there's nothing wrong with that.  In fact, some
of the wealthiest people I know are also the most frugal.
 When most people say "I can't afford this," what they are really saying is 
"This is not comfortable for me."  But here's some good news. 
Not everything has to be comfortable.  In fact, if you choose to live your
life to the fullest, not everything should be comfortable!  Exiting your
comfort zone, while scary, can be one of the most exhilarating
breakthroughs of your life.  Here are a few ways to do it:
 1. Make slight adjustments in your everyday routine.  Try waking up at a 
different time, listening to a different radio station, or taking a different
route to one of your normal destinations.
2. Introduce yourself to one new person each day.
3. Join a local networking group.  This will advance you professionally
(and financially), and also allow you to form bonds with others and bring
your interpersonal skills to the surface!
4. Be more expressive than you normally would.  Make a point of telling 
your family, friends, and colleagues how much you appreciate them. 
Be specific, and tell them exactly which of their unique qualities you
admire, and why.  I know this can be scary, and make you feel vulnerable.