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Dirty Santa!

2nd Quarter Star Consultant Contest!
Same rules as our Star Consultant Program.
So that means you have to be a STAR this quarter to play Dirty Santa!
You have until December 15th to become a Star and move as high as you choose up that ladder.
Hand picked gifts by me... 
This is how you earn your surprise gift from Santa Lynn:
I will rank the stars at the end of the quarter (assuming all Star Consultant rules apply).  the higher your star the better you are!  Recruiting will add to your Star points as well!
For example an $1800 Sapphire Star will be the first to pick a gift.  She will open it and we will ooooooohhh and aaaaaaaahhh.  The next Sapphire Star with $1832 will either pick the gift that is opened or choose a new one!  Do you see why it will pay to be the biggest star in our unit this quarter?  The top star in the Unit will be able to pick from all the gifts opened or choose the last wrapped gift!
What FUN!
You say you are out of town?  No problem!  You can either drive/fly to attend or we will appoint someone in the Unit to sit in for you.  You could call her cell phone and participate by phone, too!!  Let me know in advance so she can call you that night.
The party will be the first Monday after the end of the quarter.  I can't wait to share the fun with YOU!