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Holiday Strategy - Kathy Goff

The holiday season is here.  First, get your own products ordered.  will you ask businesses, will you hold holiday classes, will you have an open house, will you have a husband's night, etc.)   Get your datebook out and set aside times that you will do the events you plan to do.  Then, start calling people to book holiday classes.  Don't go to the expense of sending out invitations - I think we have learned that they respond to phone calls, not mailed invitations. I would recommend the following events:  a gift buying night for husbands and children, and the week before Christmas to offer free manicures to your customers (be sure to have holiday displays), call 5 businesses, and ask everyone you know to purchase just one gift from you. Can you see the potential income available through the holiday sales?Skin care class hostesses and customers are the best booking prospects. Offer the hostess $25 in free holiday glamour with a $200 class or 10 guests. Coach the hostess - give her plenty of holiday look books, samples of ELIGE, Belara, and journey.Do satin hands on guests

Do a holiday glamour look on the hostess

Romance the products as you pass them around - take one different product from each fragrance line to use as a tester.

Describe each product and pass the tester around -use the positioning statements.

Show a few inexpensive gift ideas like coffee and cream

Show stocking stuffers

Be sure they turn in a filled Holiday Wish List for door prize drawings.

Ask if anyone would like to earn a free bottle of their favorite fragrance by being a squirt girl

Offer to do holiday makeovers and manicures

Do a recruiting talk.