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Leave on Answering Machines....

I thought this was too cute to keep to myself. During this season, this is a fun and friendly way to keep in touch.

"You can't TRY to do things; you simply MUST do them." --Ray Bradbury

I received this poem first via Sue Kirkpatrick. With a little alteration, it will work any time of year to be left on your customer's answering machines. Love, Candy


This is (your name )from Mary Kay...

With a little poem to brighten your day...

...Wanted to call just to say "Hi"

and to keep in touch (or at least make a try)!

If you are low on your Mary Kay

Please give me a call -- RIGHT AWAY!

I'm happy to mail, ship, or deliver...

Wouldn't want your skin to feel dry or withered!

And HOLIDAY GIFTS, I've got them galore!

Stop by and see, take a look at my store.

No crowds, no hassle, no stress happening here,

Just beautiful things, and Holiday Cheer"!

Wishing you a lovely Holiday...

(Your phone number)


This works! Leave this message on every answering machine you encounter!