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Re-ignite your flame of sharing your business

Let me help you re-ignite your flame of sharing your business.......ILene Meckley
Ilene Meckley's Sharing and Caring Newsletter  wrote:

Staying on Track!
Several of you have written to me lately and asked me, "how do you get yourself to do things you know you need to do but do not always feel like doing?" 

I believe that when you are feeling that way, it is time to say, to yourself, ok so if I do not do what I need to do, who will do it for me. 

You and I both know that life has its ups and downs.  We have happy times and sad times.  We laugh and we cry.  Emotions are a part of life. 

Think about the last time you felt so successful in your business.
What was happening? How did it feel? 

What did you do to get to that point? 

I imagine we would all agree that there was a feeling of strong belief in ourselves, in our company and our mission.  We all know what it feels like when we have unshakable faith.  There is nothing like that feeling. Deciding that you have so much opportunity all around you just waiting for you can keep that fire within you ignited.  The best news about having your own business can also be, at times, the news we do not always want to accept about having our own business; yes there is no limit to our potential but WE ARE the potential.

It's all up to NEW!
Right now I know you can go out and meet 5 new people to share your business with.

Will you do that? 

All week there were, and will continue to be, sharing opportunities.  Did you share?

I know that the way to stay excited about your business is to always be doing something to build your business.  It would be hard to be excited while thinking, this week I could have shared but I didnt.  Instead , I know it would be so easy to be excited and stay excited when you can say, wow, I shared with so many new people this week, I just know my business will keep growing stronger and stronger.  

So, how do you keep yourself motivated?

Keep moving, keep doing what you know you need to do.  When you stop you only end up hurting yourself.  Think about a football team playing a game when it looks like they will never pull it off, yet they keep playing and pull ahead of the other team and win.  It all comes back to belief and the decision not to give up. 
Do you give up easily or do you say, OK, this is it, I CAN and I WILL do whatever it takes to be successful."  OK, I know this is going to sound corny but read those words out loud.  Come on, its ok, you can do it. 

Can you feel the difference?  Feel the strength?

So, I am sure you can tell how I feel about the words, Ill try or if it happens, it happens.  Those are words of self destruction.  Change the words to I Can and I Will do what it takes and never again have to doubt yourself.  It doesnt mean you do not have to recharge those thoughts at times; even the strongest battery begins to lose its charge after a while and needs to be plugged-in for more power.  Just know the signs so you can take control of the re-chargewhen you begin to feel comfortable and can't think of any new people to contact, you could be losing power and need to re-charge yourself with those words again, "I Can and I Will." You dont want to hibernate and miss out on all your successes just waiting for you to work for them.

[Do you have a fireplace?  Have you ever built a fire? How do you keep the fire burning? What do you do when the fire starts to go out?  Is it easier to keep a fire burning or to start a fire?]

Take a minute to re-kindle your fire in your business.  Dont ever let it burn out.  It is too difficult to re-start the fire.  All it takes is another log or two to keep a fire going;  perhaps a new consultant or a new hostess.  Doing nothing will lead to your fire burning out.  As long as you keep sharing and caring just watch out for all the sparks!
