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DISC Personality Types
D (driven):
a.k.a. LION responds to prospect of money and power (and to feel in control). Therefore:  share the details of moving up fast!  Show them paychecks


I (Influential):
a.k.a. OTTER responds to the spotlight!  (recognition anywhere & any time!)Therefore: share the prize brochure and talk about seminar


S (Steady):
a.k.a. GOLDEN RETRIEVER family-oriented, loyal, on board for the team. 
Therefore:  talk about how this can provide a difference for family


C (Compliant):
a.k.a. BEAVER by the book, sense of completion, analytical, details, perfection.
  Therefore:  talk about statistics (#1 brand, talk about all the training available)


(In the respect of driving to seminar: 
Ds will insist on driving,
Is will chitter-chatter, Ss will be calling home to check on the family,
and the Cs will be reading the map.)