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Cleansing Cloths



Thanks to Gretchen Runkle, Sales Director

Example of Cleansing Cloths Sampler Package.
 *  Order plenty of Cleansing Cloths from Company.

 *  Order 5" x 7" Cellophane Literature Bags at
These bags are sealable, and you can mail them as is!
  *  Buy candy.  (Candy that you would love to receive, that will stand up to the
abuse your purse can bring.  Plus, choose candy that won't leak out the candy
 or the smell of the candy onto the sample).

 *  Print Cleansing Cloths Sampler Cards shown also below on card stock. 
Use paper cutter to cut out
 Cleansing Cloth Sampler Cards easily and professionally (four per page).

*  Have plenty of your Business Cards 
to put in the bags.

 Assemble dozens.  In each Cellophane Literature Bag place one whole Cleansing Cloth, one Cleansing Cloth Sampler Card, Your Business Card, and one piece of candy.
You may also want to add a discount card for their first purchase.

*Cleansing Cloths Sampler Cards*
Cleansing Cloths Sampler Details*
*25% Discount Certificates for Cleansing Cloths*
Cleansing Cloths Label*
Cleansing Cloth Coupons*
*Warm Chat Tracking Form*