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Advice from Dacia Wiegandt

Wanted to share this with you.
In the April 2004 Applause Dacia commission check was
$8,055.24. WOW!!!!!!

Dacia Wiegandt, of Miami, Florida finished DIQ in ONE month, earned her Cadillac only 11 months after signing her agreement, earned the National Queen of Recruiting Crown in only her second full year in the business, at age 25 will become the youngest National Sales Director in COMPANY HISTORY next year at the ripe old age of 26.

Is this really possible? Here's the scoop. She has 3 First-Line Directors, 3 in DIQ, and 3 more will enter DIQ in March. As far as I'm concerned, she will be the youngest NSD in history. If that isn't enough, there is the very real possibility that she will be the No. 1 Director in the ENTIRE NATION this year - just three years after signing her agreement.

Here is her advice...
(Thanks to Heather Julson)

1. God cannot bless your work if you don't give him anything to bless.
2. I work my business every day as though it's the last day of June.
3. I get 5 new contacts a day, period. EVERY DAY - 5 NEW CONTACTS, END OF STORY.
4. I get 1 new booking a day, without fail. WITHOUT FAIL.
5. The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret.
6. Listen to yourself, would you want to book with you? If not, then change.
7. There are NO valid excuses; it's only you who can stop you. It's all in your head.
8. Every day is a brand new start. Compare yourself to no one - just go get that goal.
9. Give women a chance to participate in your goal. They will RISE UP TO HELP YOU.
10. I complete a Power Start each and every month, no exceptions.
11. Go to your TAPE LIBRARY to find a mentor who can be with you daily.
12. Never prejudge anyone. But do focus on the following
a. women between 25-55
b. women who own a home
c. women who are married
d. women who have children
e. women with at least a few years of post-secondary education.
If you consistently find women with at least 3 of those 5, you will move much quicker.
(Thank you Shelia Berry for this information)