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Script For Setting Up The Darlene Uitermarkt


Dialogue; If you are ready to do your own marketing- ready to step out of our comfort zone-

I have decided to move up in Mary Kay -Part of my training is to learn how to explain the fun facts of Mary Kay and how I make my money. I know this is probably something you have never thought about doing - but  that is totally ok- I am not asking you to do MK-even though I think you would be great- I am just asking you for your help. I need to do 5 fun facts this week- Is there any reason you couldnt help me out?- I will give you a free lipstick for just for taking about - to 1 hr of your time which is better for you?

 During the day or evening?  .... .. During the week or the weekend?--


 Dialogue if you are setting up marketing with your director

I would love to share some fun facts about the company and how I make my money in MK- would you have either __ or ___ that My director and myself could do a 3 way conference call with you so she could just go over the info in the folder I just gave you-

I know you have no idea whether you would ever be interested or not- but just for listening and helping me out- so I can learn from listening to my director- I will give  you $15.00 in free MK- from my website.

Hand her 1-2 flyers- do not give her too many things- or there is no reason for her to listen to you and your director

 Other option is using the above dialogue and set up coffee instead of 3 way conference call

* Make up small marketing folder/packet with 1-2 flyers and personal note-
I have been watching you all night and I think you would be great doing what I do - I will call you tomorrow to answer any questions you might have.