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Be the Dream
Be the dream
 It is by fully expressing your dream that you fully attain
 that dream. To try and jump ahead to the attainment without
 filling in all the details will leave you with nothing but
 an empty and worthless shell.
 Know the depth of why you seek what you seek. Then, when you
 do reach it, you will experience the rich fulfillment that
 you desire.
 Give real life to each dream by giving it color and texture,
 taste and feel, emotion, and layer upon layer of substance.
Imagine all the stones along the pathway to that dream and
 then travel the reality of your path, step by joyous step.
 There is nothing too far away for you to reach. Yet if
 striving is all you ever do, the objective will never be
 To a greater and greater extent as time goes on, be the
 dream that you seek. Arrive as soon as you begin to go, and
 continue to arrive more fully as you infuse more life into
 the dream.
 Anything that you can imagine, you can already begin to
touch. Continue touching your dream, and building that
 connection, until it fully becomes who you are.
 Ralph Marston