Look Straight Ahead! |
Look Straight Ahead Today's Scripture Look straight ahead (Proverbs 4:25 TLB). Today's Word from Joel and Victoria You life will go in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. When your thoughts are focused on the past, it hinders your growth. Your thoughts of the past hold you back, causing you to relive those events over and over again. But when you look straight ahead at the future God has planned for you, then you can move forward. It's just like driving a car. If your rearview mirror were as big as your windshield, you wouldn't get very far. You would just sit there looking at what's behind you. But when you fix your eyes on your future, the past disappears. Choose today to look straight ahead by forgiving those who have hurt you in your life. And it doesn't matter if it was years ago or just yesterday. Choose today to look straight ahead and move forward into the life of blessing God has in store for you! A Prayer for Today Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of forgiveness that allows me to release the past so I can look straight ahead. Show me, today, if there is anything in my heart that would keep me from moving forward into everything You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen. |